5.Secretive (slightly NSFW)

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Prompt: secretive
He'd had to talk to someone.

Otherwise he would have got insane. His mind had been such a chaos; he wasn't even able to think one single thought properly.

The problem was: Whom should he tell about his troubles? The majority of his friends would only say that he is ill, he's got a fertile imagination, he just needs a wife or they wouldn't believe him at all.

After a while, he realized that nobody who lives in China could help him. No one would understand him and his problems; no one would take him seriously.

He would have to travel elsewhere, to another country.

He'd heard that there were communities in some other countries which tried to validate same gender marriages and be a safe place for men who love men.

He didn't really trust this story which a colleague of him told him during a lunch break. The same man has also explained him, that these people are simply mentally ill and in these countries would be a lack of women, so the men couldn't marry one and needed to find other partners.

He called the men crazy and got quite upset while he was speaking and Brett eventually left him because he feared the collaborator could've found out about him - however he managed to do that.

Why else would he get so angry and furious about a topic which doesn't affect him at all?
Why did he even know about it if it's obviously making him so angry?

Brett had a diary at home in which he wrote all his thoughts, experiences, problems and questions.
Perhaps the other man found it?
But how?
And when?

He never carried this little book with him; it lay in his night stand which he locked every time he left his apartment.

Anyways, there was no point in speculating about such implausible things; the co-worker wasn't worth his concerns.

What could he do to him even if he knew? - Nothing.

The only thing he could do was telling his story to the other workers in the factory although they would most likely not believe him.

Actually it didn't happen anything except Brett was slightly getting paranoid of rumours about him.

Brett himself had been very sceptical about the statements, he was pretty sure that in other countries there were at least as many women as men.

However, he wasn't sure about the psychical problems. He didn't know what was wrong with him that he fell for his best mate - but it wasn't normal, right? He spent so many hours with agonizing about what he made wrong in his life that the fate punishes him with his feelings.

Feelings he would never be allowed to express freely and unconcerned.

Now he was here in Australia: it was one of the countries his co-worker mentioned in their conversation and he could pay for the flight; to get to other countries like the UK would be way too expensive for him.

Eddy usually was the one with money, he was very economical while Brett sometimes liked to have a more luxurious life and bought meat or went on a trip to another city.

The only reason why he could afford these things was that he had no family he had to care for. Probably, it would have been better if he had saved more of his money so he wouldn't have problems later in life. It would have been better to save it for his future family.

A family he didn't want to have. Brett liked to live alone; he was more independent and needn't show consideration of anybody. That didn't mean he was an introvert, he loved hanging around with his friends or being with people in general.

Hide-and-seekOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora