
258 20 2

Prompt: uncertainty

Brett yawned. It was still too early to get up, so he buried his face in his pillow again and wrapped himself tighter in the bed sheets.

First sunrays fell through the window, slightly lightening up the room, though it was yet quite gloomy. Specks of dust were dancing in the light beams; from outside you could hear the birds starting to chirp.

It chanced to be a very nice day. A gentle breeze crimped the white curtains hanging in front of the open window.

A dog barked quietly in the distance and got upbraided right away.

A light scent of flowers was in the air.

It was a very peaceful scene; Brett was looking so innocent, infantile and vulnerable as he was lying in his bed, half asleep.

He didn’t know what the day would bring.

The doorbell rang.

Brett yawned again, rubbing his eyes with his fists.

Who was that?

He hadn’t invited anybody. And who would come to his house this early?

At 6.30am?

The only person who came to his mind was Eddy. But didn’t he have to go to work today?

And on top of that, Eddy was definitely not an early bird: he would probably sleep until noon if he could.

Brett slowly pulled his bed sheets aside and sat up.
His hair was an absolute mess and under his eyes were dark shadows.

But whoever disturbed his morning sleep would have to deal with his sleepy look.

He took his glasses from his bedside locker and put them on. At least, he wanted to see who the person was outside his door.

He put his bathrobe and his slippers on and went to open the door.

It really was Eddy.

“Surprise!” the taller boy cheered.

Brett looked confusedly up to his best friend. He had no idea what Eddy had planned.

Why had he got up so early?

Has Brett forgotten something important?

He wasn’t sure anymore.

None of them had their birthday or any other anniversary today, as far as he knew.

“Nah, I just wanted to have breakfast with you before work.” Eddy laughed as he saw Brett’s addled expression.

He headed straight to the kitchen and began to make coffee for the two.

“I’ve brought some croissants and fresh milk for us.”
he chattered while he took two plates, two knives and two mugs out of the cupboard.

Something was off.

Brett couldn’t really put his finger on it, but Eddy was a little bit too awake, too active. He also seemed to be a bit nervous, though Brett couldn’t tell why.

His friend tried to hide his furry with his good mood, but Brett knew his friend too well to get deceived.

However he decided to leave Eddy alone and get dressed properly first.

As he came back, Eddy was already sitting at the table, two cups of coffee standing on it, waiting for him.

“Thanks, bro!” Brett said.

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