5- Photos

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Teresa's P.O.V

Today was great. I had boring classes, but James was there with me. Jen thought he was really cute and that I should make a move. I wasn't so sure. I doubt he would find an interest in me. Maybe it would be what mom and uncle Simon had, a friendship that was like love.

I was walking out the school and I was glad I hadn't passed by Eric all day. I was walking out and James called out to me. I then saw my dad. If he saw James with me, he'll go all crazy on him. I was going to walk away, but he was next to me already.

"Hi James." I said. He smiles, "Hey Teresa. I don't know if this is the right time, but would you like to go out sometime?" I was breathless. I noticed my dad stand up from leaning on the car. I was silent but I talked again.

"It would be great. Maybe tommorow. It's the weekend, so it'll be easier. Here's my number. I gotta go." I said writing my number on a piece of paper. I rushed it a bit because my dad was in my per view. James was speechless and nodded at me.

I quickly walked up to my dad. "Hey, dad? Where's mom?" I stretched the 'hey' making it seem awkward. He raises a brow, "Your mom went on an errand and took longer than expected. Now back to you, who was that boy you were talking to?"

I didn't know what to say and I could say friend because he never asked me to be his girlfriend. "He just wanted to know what was the homework. No big deal. Let's go home.' I said. My dad gets in the car and we drive home.

Clary's P.O.V

I couldn't belive it. Sebastain is dead. So is said on his grave. I kneed down and touched it.

He died 13 years ago. I thought he had lived and became a permanent resident in this place. Izzy knees next to me.

"I guess the lady was right." she says. I nod not knowing what to say. If he died, did he die with the same memory loss he had? I guess we have no way to find out besides the boy. I need to keep an eye on Eric.

I stand up and let out a deep breathe. "Come on, let's go. Teresa must be home by now." I said. Izzy nods and we walk back to the car. I tell Izzy to drive. I wasn't feeling well.

On the drive back, all I saw was the day we were in Alicante. I see Sebastain nt being himself, I see him trying to kill Augustus, and I see him get shot at the door. All these thoughts have haunted me since then and I cant ever forget. Eric, being Sebatain's child, brings back everything that happened and it also shows me Sebastian's innocence before he was the monster I know he was. I still remember the shine in his eyes when I first saw him. I didn't even imagine what he was planning all this time.

I close my eyes and take a nap because the drive would be long.

Teresa's P.O.V

I got out the car with dad and he was a bit stressed out. His face said it all.

"What's wrong, dad?" I asked. He sighs, "I'm just wondering what is taking your mom so long on the errand. It's nothing. What do you want for lunch?"

I think about it and tell dad I wanted spaghetti. He nods and I go upstairs.

I put down my stuff and layed on my bed for a while. I then felt my phone vibrate.
Hi, Teresa. -James

I smile and respond.

Hey, James. Wyd? -Teresa

Nothing much. I wanted to know if you'd like to go to the fair tomorrow? -James

That'd be great. I like fairs. -Teresa

Awesome, I can't wait to see you, Tess Is it ok I call you Tess? -James

It's fine. I like it actually. I gotta go. Ttyt -Teresa

I heard the door open downstairs. It was mom. I go out my door and see my mom with a worn out face. She sits down and my aunt Iz comes up to me.

"Hi aunt Iz. Where'd you guys go?" I asked. "We went around the city for an errand. Your mom is just worn out it's fine." she says I nod.

I knew that I would have to find out something, but for now I would let it go. I walked up the stairs and accidentally walked into mom's room.

I know I shouldn't be looking, but I want to know what they talked about the other day. I went to the bed cabinets and found a very old picture.

It was my mom, who looks nothing older, and a guy who got my attention. He looked like Eric. I took the picture with me and walked out the room.

I went to my room and then my mom came in. I put the picture under my pillow really quickly.

"Hi, Teresa. How was school? I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up." she says sitting next to me.

"It's fine. The classes aren't as fun as I thought they were." I responded. My mom smiles, "Your dad wanted me to come here to get 'background info'"

"What do you mean?" I asked confused. "Your father told me about the boy you talked to earlier. He wanted me to get his name and other things. You know how your father is. Now tell me, is it that James kid you told me about earlier. Don't worry, your father won't know a thing." said my mom.

"Fine. It is James. He asked me if I would go to the fair and I said yes. Is that ok?" I said a bit shyly.

My mom laughs, "Yes. It's fine. Just be careful about your father. He might be getting a bad feeling of this. And also, don't let your feelings take over. Sometimes guys can make you have different thoughts. You remind me a lot of myself when I was in high school. Now your dad finished cooking. Let's go eat. I'm starving."

I smile and hug my mom. "Thanks mom. I love you so much." I said to her. She hugs back, "I love you too, sweetie." she says and we walk down.

After eating I went to my room and locked it. I lifted my pillow and looked at the picture again. He seemed really familiar.

I then flipped it over and saw some writing.

"It's great to see you again. It's nice knowing you still care about me. Love your awesome brother Sebastain." I read what was written and I gasped. If that was her brother, Eric must be related to him.

Sorry it took me forever to write. I was having writer's block. I hope you had an awesome holiday! See u later

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2014 ⏰

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