2- Truths

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Teresa's P.O.V

I had put my radio alarm and now I'm changing to the tune of Animals by Maroon 5. I put on blue jeans, a flannel, and my vans. I brushed my teeth and carried my backpack downstairs.

"Good Morning, T. Ready to go to school today?" asks mom. I smile, "You bet." Mom chuckles. I finished eating my cereal and stood up. I kissed dad on the cheek and hugged mom. "See you later,mom. Bye dad." I said walking out the door.

The walk to school wasn't that long but it felt good being by yourself. After a few minutes I made it to school. I can't believe I am going to my parents old school. This place looked awesome. This place looked like a giant castle.

I walked in and looked for my locker. Once I got there, I smiled seeing Jen opening a locker next to mine.

"I guess we're going to be locker buddies. Hope we have the same classes."says Jen. I laugh and nod. We stood there talking and organizing our things. Once the bell rung I walked away to home room.

Once I reached the class, I saw that kid I bumped into yesterday. I walk up to him, "Hi. I didn't know you came here." He sighs, "Same here." I smile.  The teacher came in and we all got silent.

The teacher introduced herself and Eric kept glaring at me. I shrugged it off for now.

The bell rung after an hour of boring lectured on education. I went to first period, P.E.

Once I got there, I went into the lockers and changed into some sweats. I tied my hair in a ponytail and the teacher walked in.

"Hello students. I am Alec Lightwood, I will be your coach this year." He says and I smile at my uncle.

"Today you will be practicing one on one fighting skills. Pair up." He says and everyone got on mats. I was stretching then Eric came up to me.

"Want to be my partner?"he asks and I nod.

We hold our stances, then I give the first move. He blocks it with a fist. We go back and forth. I tripped him and fell. I was gonna hold him but hen he dropped me. I flipped over him and was on top of him.

"Not bad, Clary." he says. "Thanks. I've been doing this sort of thing since I was little. What about you, you weren't that bad either." I said. "I was trained in the arts of fighting because of my father. I have been practicing ever since." he says and I nod.

We had finished class and Eric was acting really strange. I didn't know what it was, but something was off about him.

I had changed in the lockers then head to next period with Jen.

The school day was going great. It was last period and it was art. I was going to get some paint, but couldn't reach. Why did I have to be like mom. I was gonna try one more time but a hand reached out and got it. I turned around and a cute guy was standing there.

"Thanks." I said. He smiles,"No problem. I'm James. You are?" He asks. "I'm Teresa." I smiled then walked away.

The bell rang and I went outside to wait for my mom to pick me up. I saw her and she had this weird facial expression. I looked to see where she was looking at and it was Eric.

"Mom, is something wrong?"I ask. She nods, "Nothing, but who's that kid over there? What's his name?" "That's Eric. Why?" She sighs,"Just curious."

The drive was a little wuiet and mom had a worried look. I wondered why? Once I got home my uncles and aunt Iz had come over. I gave them all hugs. I wonder why they were here.

"What's up with a family reunion?" I asked. "We just came by to see our favorite little niece." stuttered Uncle Simon. I laugh and hug him.

"You are such a bad liar." I told him and aunt Iz nods at me.

"They're here because we needed to talk." said my dad. Now that I believe.

"Fine. I'm going upstairs to do my homework. Bye people." I said going into the hallway, but then turn with my back against the wall. I love ease dropping.

I hear them talking and I stayed quiet.

Clary's P.O.V

I can't belive it. I had to call over Iz and Alec. If they come, then Simon and Magnus do.

"What's going on Fray?" asked Simon. I sigh and look at Jace.

"I went to go pick up Teresa today at school. I was waiting for her and then I saw this boy. I thought my mind was playing games with because he looked a little like Sebastain." I said slowly. Jace gives me a look and the others were speechless.

"Are you sure that the kid looked like him, love?" said Jace taking my hand. "Is that even possible for someone to look like that bastard. Unless...." said Iz.

"It can't be possible. Unless Sebastian had a kid." said Magnus. Alec shakes his head. "It can't be. If he had a kid wouldn't we have found out by now. He must have gotten out of the hospital." said Alec.

"If he did get out of there and had a family, do you think his kid knows about everything that had happened?" I asked. Jace was puzzled, "There's a possibility that that boy does, but if he does then we have to keep Teresa safe and away from him." Everyone else nods.

"He could be dangerous and I don't want my baby to live what I had to." I said hugging Jace and he kisses my head.

"It'll be fine. For now, we can't tell her about anything. Much less knowing she has another uncle." said Simon.

Teresa's P.O.V

"Much less knowing she has another uncle." said uncle Simon. I can't belive this. I ran up to my room.

I locked the door and fell down on the door. I was shocked. Who was Sebastain? Why is he dangerous? What does Eric have to do in all this? What happened to my mom?

I had so many questions to ask, but I knew I wouldn't get any answers. I knew I would have to watch out for Eric. I changed into pajamas and went to bed.

Sorry this was really late, but school has been a pain lately. Lots of things due and lots of writings to do. This was cut a little short. Writers block sorry. I know what to write and please don't delete. I will be posting a little more often this month and I am part of a writing program this month to write a novel it's called NanoWriMo. I hope I finish by the end of the month. Until next time

The Second Generation (Sequel to Undeniable Love)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя