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Kirino : I have a few headcanons in mind that I've been keeping for a while now :) I figured it's time to share them today :D

Masaki : Ooohhh...


• Tenma hates his father and his father hates him 🧒🏻💔👨🏻

• Shindou is lacking family love because no one in his family notices him or his achievements 😢💔

• Saryuu and Giris have the same mind. It's like their twins with the same likes and dislikes. Also, they're obsessed with strategy games and competing against each other 🧒🏻🧒🏻 (it ends in a tie)

• Tsurugi is having a hard time choosing between Hakuryuu and Tenma 🧒🏻🤔🧒🏻

• Ibuki is Shindou's guard dog 🐕

• Fei's loyalty to Saryuu is absolute. Saryuu's name is Fei's strength and weakness 🐵🐰

• Endou is a girl (Mariella Evans) and has an older brother named Kyle Evans. Kyle doesn't like her 😢

• Shindou wears retainers (talialalalaxo got this from you XD)


• Haizaki has daddy issues 👨‍👦

• Hayami has daddy issues too 👨‍👦

• FEMALE Tsurugi x Minamisawa :)

• Tenma, Shindou, Masaki, and Hikaru are rich kids. Tsurugi is semi-rich and the rest is average 💴

• Tatsuya feels like his efforts of being a father and a husband are going to waste because Mido and Masaki think his way of showing love is very weird 💔😢

• Tenma is insecure and always anxious of what people think of him 😰

• Hakuryuu secretly misses Tsurugi everyday ❤️


Kirino : Done !

Masaki : I can see why you keep most of these to yourself...

Kirino : hehehe...There's more where that came from :)

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