🌸 Tagged 🌸

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Hey ! Fianne here :) (Yes, I took Kirino's phone). Today, I woke up and checked my Wattpad to find out I was tagged by Luciana_chan7 (meh best friend :3) There are 26 questions in total (because apparently 8 and 25 aren't very important numbers :|

So let's answer :)

(Aaannnddd the picture won't load. Meh, that's fine.)

1. Full name : I ain't telling nobody. You might find me on Social Media.

2. Current Crush : Nobody 😁

3. Addiction : Inazuma Eleven pictures

4. Height : 5'6 I think ? Or 5'7 Between those two

5. Relationship Status : Single as a Pringle

6. Girls I trust : I wouldn't say "Trust" but the person I kind of share my life with is Luciana_chan7 :) When I have something to vent about she's the first person I choose.

7. Boys I trust : No one. Okay maybe one but I'm not saying his name

8. (Skipped)

9. Current Mood : Neutral

10. Favorite Color : Gray, Black, White, and Blue 😃

11. Confession : I hid a stuffed animal away from my sister and up to now it's still hidden and I'm the only one who knows where it is.

12. Who I miss : No one. I miss Inazuma Eleven tho ;-;

13. Who I last hugged : My cousin...?

14. Who understands me : NOBODY BUT MYSELF !

15. Someone who is always there for me : My online friends because online friends are nicer than real friends

16. Last Text : From my aunt saying she'll give me 1K if I teach my sister and cousin grammar. Just so she can get me out of bed.

17. What pissed me off lately : Since when was it NOT my sister ?

18. Who makes me laugh the most : Myself. I find myself ridiculous.

19. Who I do the craziest stuff with : I'm alone so....

20. Who makes me smile : Online Friends

21. What am I listening to : The electric fan

22. Turn ons : ¯\(°_o)/¯
23. Turn offs : ¯\(°_o)/¯
24. Best Friends : Luciana_chan7 and a few more :)

25. (Skipped)

26. Second Confess : Umm...I change moods for no reason.

27. What I hate : People being annoying just to get attention

28. Who's annoying : My sister 😂

Well, that's the tag. I'm not gonna tag anymore people so consider me a dead end. That's all I have right now, and see you guys later ('Cause I'm still gonna update about something) Bye~

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