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See ? Meia is the mommy, Giris is the daddy, and Saryuu is the baby ! It's the perfect family !

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See ? Meia is the mommy, Giris is the daddy, and Saryuu is the baby ! It's the perfect family !

(Real life :

Saryuu : *Goes to the kitchen* Mom, have you seen my soccer ball ?

Meia : Hm ? I don't know, hon. Ask your dad.

Saryuu : Okay. *Goes to the living room* Dad, have you seen my soccer ball ?

Giris : Didn't you and Fei play with it yesterday ?

Saryuu : Yeah, but I put it outside after Fei told me he wanted a ball too——

Saryuu : *Le Gasp*

Saryuu : That BEEHIVE——)

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