Chapter 5 - Metal arm

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Natasha Romanoff's point of view

Fury is being a bitch again and I have to go on an early morning mission today. I have to retrieve an important piece of information that will shut down a new weapon which can turn people's lives upside-down.

I am hoping to be back in time for movie night with the team and the Spider baby and Witch kid but there is no guarantee that I will be on time.

I will never admit it out loud to the team, but I love being around them, they are like a huge family. They are super fun to hang out with especially Wanda and Peter. I love being around those kids. They make everything enjoyable, even cooking dinner, because hell knows Tony can't cook.

The 6:45 alarm goes off to start my day. As I open my eyes, I reach under my pillow for my spare gun and realise that it is not there. I am not in my room. Where the fuck am I?

I lived in this tower for 3 fucking years and I still can't tell where the hell I am. I get out of the bed and head toward the bathroom.

Which one of the guys put me in their room as a prank? I swear if this is Clint, I will kill his ass and revive him, just to bloody kill him again.

As I enter the bathroom I go toward the mirror to fix my hair and notice that I am not in the mirror. What kind of fucking sick joke is this?

In the mirror before me stands the person who shot straight through me, the one and only winter soldier.

I bet this is Tony's sick idea of a prank and the mirror is a screen that just mirrors my action on another person.

I am not going mental.

I am still in my own body and I still have a mission.

I swear I'm going to kill Stark when I get my hands on him.

I look down at my left arm and it really is metal. Shit! What the hell is going on?

I can't body swap with another person. That is bloody impossible, as I've heard hundreds of thousands of times from Tony and Bruce.

Wait if I'm Bucky, who the hell is in my body? They better not fuck my life.

I've got a huge mission today, well technically whoever is in my body has a huge mission today. I guess I have the day off.

I bet I could break this arm. Bucky has said several times that it is made of vibranium and can't be broken. How quickly could I break this arm?

What would Bucky Bucky do if I cut his hair? What would his precious Stevie do if I cut his hair?

I seriously hate his man bun. He could not have gone for a less classy hairstyle.

I wonder if him and Stevie have gotten together yet. They claim to be just friends but I'm not blind, I know there is something between them.

Stevie better not try to kiss me while I'm in the body of his boyfriend.

I wonder if Bucky can do ballet. He wasn't trained at the red room but he was still trained by hydra. I wonder how much of my routine I can actually practice in this body. I can't even fit into my point shoes.

"Buck, do you want to come downstairs for breakfast?" Someone says at the door.
Shit, that's Steve and I'm, well Bucky's not wearing a shirt.

I quickly run to his wardrobe and put on a t-shirt and answer the door.

"I'm coming to the main floor, Steve." I say.
Why would Mr. Buff and metal arm need an escort to get to the main floor?

Suddenly Steve puts an arm around my shoulders, but I'm not used to his contact so I flinch away.

"What's wrong Buck?" He says

"Nothing, just hungry," I answer, hoping that he believes that shitty excuse.

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