Chapter 2 - Ms Potts!

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Peter Parker Point of View

Today is going to be good day I can feel it. I'm going to walk to school with Ned and I've got no projects due in today or tomorrow which means more time to be Spiderman. I hope Mr. Stark is okay with me being Spiderman for over a third of my day. May is making her date loaf for dinner today so I already know that today is going to be a good day.

My eyes flutter open as I feel the curtains being opened besides me.

"Please, May just a few more minutes," I croak out. I'm usually out of bed quickly but yesterday this one guy stabbed my side but luckily due to my enhanced healing it should only look like a graze right now.

"Who's May?" The voice replies to me.

Wait, May never comes in to open the curtains. Who on earth am I talking to?

I fully open my eyes and look around the room. This isn't my room. This room is massive, literally it is huge. I turn to looks at where the voice came from.

"Mrs Potts!" I scream. Why am I in the same room as Mrs Potts, the owner of Stark industries. What the hell is going on?

"Honey, is everything okay? Are you feeling alright?" Mrs Potts asks me. Why is she calling me honey.

"Where am I?" I ask her. I have to find out what is going on.

"Tony, I think you should get some more sleep, you're starting to act a bit crazy," she says worried.

"TONY!" I reply in shock.
"Yes, Tony, the name you have called yourself since you met Rodhey in MIT," she says sarcastically, as she leaves the room.

"Wait, Mrs Potts, Tony as in Tony Stark, as in Anthony Edward Stark," I say. I can hear her roll her eyes from here.

I dash out of bed and look in the mirror and there in front of me stands, my mentor, my suit maker, my father figure: Tony Stark. I reach a hand up to touch my face and so does Tony in the mirror. This can not be happening.

After a couple more tests I have come to the conclusion that I am stuck in Mr Stark's body. This is awesome. How many people can say that. There are so many things I want to do.

How does his arc reactor work? Do I still have my advanced metabolism? Will it kill him if I accidentally bump into something and knock the reactor? Can I go down to his lab? He would never say yes to that question. Wait if I'm in Mr. Starks body, is he in mine? Where is my body? Can I return to my body? What happens if I can't change back?

Hundreds of questions run through my mind at a million miles per hour.

I hear Mrs. Potts call Tony's name, telling him to come down for coffee. I have to tell her what is going on. Maybe she can help.

I takes me a at least half an hour to find the kitchen because Mr. Stark's tower is ridiculously big. Why does he even need all this space.

I finally find the kitchen and see Mrs. Potts in the corner near the coffee machine. She hands me a cup and tries to leans in for a kiss before I lean back.

"Tony, I'm really worried about you. Are you sure you are alright?" She asks me softly.

What do I even say to her I can't just say 'hey Mrs Potts I'm actually a kid stuck in your husband's body and I can't find a way back to mine'. She would lock me an insane asylum. How do I even go about trying to tell this to anyone?

"Mrs Potts, you are never going to believe this but...

Freaky Friday (Avengers version)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz