Chapter 4 - Aunt Hottie

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Tony Stark's point of view

Ugg. Not another morning. I swear Pepper said I have a meeting with the state government today. They still think that we are dangerous and are trying to force all of us to sign something called the sokovia accords.

Apparently they are there to keep us in check and make sure that we don't do anything stupid, which won't work because Legolas exists.

I swear Clint can not do one responsible thing to save his life, except maybe Laura. I have to admit their kids are cute.

I must have been the only one to actually sit and read through the accords last night because some of the team were actually okay with sign those bloody papers.

One of the rules was that you have to let the world know your identity and inform the state of your location whenever you move. It's a fucking invasion of privacy and I won't stand for it considering that some of the team aren't even 18 yet. *Cough* Wanda *Cough* Peter *Cough*.

"Peter, time to wake up. Ned's gonna be here in 5 minutes." Someone said opening the door to the room I'm in. Shit. Please say I haven't been kidnapped again. I'm fucking tired of that. I race out of the bed and see that I'm in Peter's room. Huh. I don't remember coming here last night to help the kid with his homework and I certainly would not have slept over. What the hell is going on!?

I get up and go over the bathroom and look in the mirror. Shit. My goatee. It's gone. Then I look back up and realise this isn't even my face.

That's Peter in the mirror. What the fuck? I raise my hand and the Peter in the mirror does too. I look down and notice that I'm in the kid's pyjamas. I raise my hands a couple more times to confirm my suspicions.

"PETER GET UP YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE. Ned's been in the living room for 10 minutes." Someone says. This just confirms my suspicions even more. Wait how is this even possible. I'm supposed to be a genius. How the hell is body swapping even accomplished. I swear that's against the law of physics. Fuck, that's against the laws of the universe.

Then it finally snaps in head that Peter is supposed to be walking to school with his friend, so not wanting to invade his privacy I leave the bathroom and quickly change into something I've seen him wear loads of times. I make sure to keep my eyes closed while changing and grab a pair of shoes.

I have to find a way to skip school and get to the tower, more importantly find my body and make sure Peter or whoever is in has not fucked up my life.

"PETER BENJAMIN PARKER, THIS IS YOUR FINAL WARNING!" Aunt hottie screams, wait, Peter wouldn't call her that, he calls her May or Aunt May.

"I'm coming, Aunt May!" I shout back. Damn I never realised how girly his voice is until I have to actually live with it. I quickly grab his back his backpack and exit his room.

They don't have a bloody coffee maker. What kind of uncivilised barbarians don't have a coffee maker. I already know that I'm going to be half asleep on the way to wherever Peter's friend is taking me.

Shit. He has school. This was the bloody worst day for this to happen. I can't let him miss school. I have to find this and fix this as soon as possible. I grab a banana and a protein bar for Peter and quickly leave the house with Ted. Well at least I think that's his name. I have to get to the Avengers tower as soon as physically possible.

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