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Since that day, I've been coming over to the hospital, grabbing the littlest chance to see you again. It has been almost a week but there are no signs of you.

I don't want to lose hope because I know you're here. I was very sure that I saw you and I could not be wrong.

I waited at the hospital lobby. I even brought fruits for you. I wanted to visit you but I don't know your name.

My throat got dry so I went to the nearest vending machine to buy some drinks.

"Excuse me.."

My eyes widened as I heard a very familiar voice. I turned around and finally!

I saw you.

I was staring at you for a long time.


You swiped your card on the vending machine and looked up to me.

"It's you!"

You took a step back.

"I-I'm sorry. You must've been mistaken!"

You bowed and ran, leaving your beverage behind. I got it and ran after you.

I caught up but you were trembling.

"P-please.. I'm sorry I don't know you."

I unconsciousy let go of your wrist and you went away leaving me dumbfounded.


 last night | choi beomgyu ✓Where stories live. Discover now