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"Stop, I can't do this anymore."

The silver haired boy said, running his right hand through his long locks. An annoyed sigh blew past the pretty boy's lips, grimacing at the very worried boy before him.

In a split second, all of the hope within the black haired boy's eyes were gone, sucked into the darkest hole of infinity.

"What do you mean, Hannie?"

The latter said, confused as to why the other boy were acting this way. They had always been the perfect couple everyone had ever wanted. Perhaps a bit to perfect to be true.

Seungcheol never noticed, but there's absolutely no love neither adoration in his boyfriend's eyes. Never, until now.

The pretty boy clenched his fist tight enough for it to leave a mark, trying hard not to lose his temper. It's useless, considering he already did, but the least he could do is spoke in a calm manner.

"Just stop pretending you don't know"

With his big black eyes and extra puff under his eye, the black haired boy looks like a deer in headlights. Clearly he either didn't know a thing, or just straight out feigning ignorance.

"About what?"

Jeonghan knew that this would happen sooner or later. He expected no less from the other. Letting this drag any longer by being angry would've been a waste of his time.

"That I don't like you. That you meant nothing to me than just another boy on my ex list."

A flash of pain crossed his face, but the long haired boy didn't knew what it is exactly that induce the scratching feeling on the bottom of his neck. Instead, he just shrugged it off and waited for the other's reply.


"I said I gave you a chance to make me fall in love with you within a month. But you couldn't. That's why I'm ending this."

Now the dark orbs are filled with panic. It shouldn't end this way. This isn't how its supposed to be.

"Please give me another chance, Hannie... I swear I'll do better!"

If the glassy eyes hadn't give away the pain within the taller boy's heart, then his tone surely did. But it didn't arose pity in the other's eyes, only disgust and irritation.

"No, I don't like you. I tried to, but it just doesn't work that way. I told you beforehand that this would happen."

His patience slowly getting shorter by the seconds, as Seungcheol took a step closer to him, hoping it would fix things.

But by the repulsive look he received as the boy grasp the silver haired hands, it was way from it.

"I love you so much Hannie. I'll die if you leave me."

Jeonghan tried his best to ignore how painful the grab on his wrist and decided to just shook the stronger boy's grasp off somehow. Struggling his very best isn't enough when desperation take over the black haired boy.

"There's going to be someone else for you, and unfortunately its not me. So leave me alone already!"

He snapped, clearly couldn't hold it anymore and losing his temper. He had always loathed how possessive and persistent the other are.

Droplets of salty warm tears stream down the black haired cheeks, blurring his vision from the only boy he had his eyes on. He shook his head

"If it isn't you, it's not going to work. Couldn't you just love me? Like you love roses? You love them right?"

He eyed the red roses sitting on the table. The flower Seungcheol always gave him every single time he could ever since he said he likes it.

With every ounce of malice in him, he slapped the hands on his wrist powerfully in one beat and spat those words that weren't any less of a venom straight to the boy's heart.

"Screw you and your roses"

Slapping the bucket of roses to the floor, he then trampled on them with his slender foot, crushing the red petals as they scatter and lay limp on the white ceramics.

Something within the him clicked, as he stood there unmoving from the very spot the boy had left him. There wasn't any strength and urge to hold the silver haired back right now.

The tension on the room are still high, maybe even higher when the beautiful boy slammed on the door on his way out, leaving the black haired boy with a crushed heart and roses smearing their red petals like blood on the floor.





That's all Seungcheol was after the incident had happened last week. Still couldn't move on from the pretty silver boy who had caught his heart and locked it in a birdcage a year ago.

On contrast to his pathetic self, Jeonghan were already laughing down the hall with another boy with arms on his waist, pulling him closer to the pink haired.

The distance between them disappearing slowly but surely after they giggled words to each other's ear and now lips interlocking with each other.

And all the black haired boy could do is watch as the crackling fire within his heart burn and destroying him from inside out.

Wiping the fallen tear from the corner of his eye, he furiously whispered to himself.

"Just wait, Hannie, I'll be back for you. My beautiful rose."




Breaking news!

The local police are now investigating a very gruesome murder of two highschool boys with the initials of Y.J.H. and H.J.S.

One of the victims are badly injured and died due to bloodloss. His face are almost unrecognizable because of repeatedly being hit by blunt object.

The police had found the other victim to be put on top of bed made out of red roses, and seems like he was only sleeping. But the blood drenched shirt proved otherwise.

Sadly both of the victims couldn't be saved in time, and by the looks of it, the victim has been dead for over than twenty four hours when the police arrived.

The murderer are still on the run, as the police track down the main suspect with the initials of C.S.C, who was last seen with both of the victim before they disappeared.

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