Chapter Eight: Adoption & A Club

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Edited on 05/23/21

Y'all are not READY for the pics I have of our precious boy. Absolute angel. Btw did no one notice that Omik is just Kimo backwards? I literally figured that out when I was looking back at it. Also when I was searching up Kyõtani Kentaro for more pictures of him, the second thing that popped up was my story. Should I be grateful? Weirded out? Idk?

Your pov
     After treating my minor wound, I called the pet shop worker to tell her about Kyõtani wanting to adopt Chia. She said she would drop by with the adoption forms soon. It seems both Chia and Kyoutani were excited about the adoption.
     Once she arrived, I brought her to the dining room where she would explain everything to Kyoutani. He usually responded with a grunt or a hum to what she was saying. I sat with them, just listening. They finalized the forms, now I witnessed Kyoutani be happy with his new dog. "You guys make a great pair." I smiled at them. "Do you wanna help with training?"

     He perked his head up, still petting the small dog. I gave a sharp whistle, making the dogs in the livingroom come to the dining room. Kyoutani trained Chia and Cynthia, since she was more obedient, while I trained the rest.


After our little training session, we went to the livingroom to watch a movie. The dogs piled on top of the both of us as slept peacefully. "Ah. We have school tomorrow. I'm sorry for keeping you here all weekend. I can wash your clothes for you." I offered.

He simply nodded and continued to pet Chia. I got up, disturbing the dogs that rested on me. He pointed to a bag near the recliner, which I got and took it to wash. I filled up the washer with his clothes and mine and began the machine before heading back.


     After the clothes was finished drying, I got up from the couch once again and started folding them. I put Kyoutani's clothes in his bag and returned it to the recliner. "I think we should sleep." I yawned and shook the half asleep boy covered with dogs. "It's... one in the morning." My eyes open in shock.

     He nodded, also yawning, and followed me to my room: along with the dogs. Chia laid on Kyoutani's chest and Ethan laid at our feet, the other dogs laid in the dog beds in my room. We now finally fell asleep.


     The week went by smoothly. Well, as smoothly as it could be. Oikawa constantly made flirty comments at me, Iwaizumi hitting him over the head, messing around with Maki and Matsukawa, the boys wearing skirts (sexy as fuck if I might add), and the occasional game I'd play with them. I had invited the team to the small party I would be having for when my parents returned.


     Shiko said they would come back on Friday, but the team and I have been waiting all night for them to come back so we could celebrate. "(Y/n)-chaaan! This is so boring!" Oikawa whined.

"Shiko lied to meeeee!" I also whined.

"I did not!" Shiko shouted, popping out of no where. "Their flight was delayed. Everyone is gonna go get them. Excluding you!" He pointed to me.

     I huffed and crossed my arms. He pointed at me, like he was watching over me before everyone left. A few minutes after they left, I stood up: excited. "Let's all go out! Get your party clothes on and we'll head out to a place I know!" I excitedly shouted before heading to my room to change.

     I came back from my room after changing. I wore tight black pants, heels, a (f/c) tank top with the back exposed, and a black snap back hat covering my eyes. I adjusted my hair slightly before we started on our way to the place I was talking about. "Not that we don't love the switch up, but why are you wearing that?" Oikawa asked.

"We're going clubbing!" I clapped my hands and rushed off to the place, club, I was talking about.

"EHH!?" The boys shouted, rushing to follow me.

"What do you mean clubbing!? How do you know places like this?! How are we even going to get in?!" Iwaizumi shouted.

"A girl had her ways, Iwa-kun." I laughed.

"And what about the hat?" Oikawa laughed, flicking the snap back.

"Can't have people recognizing me, now can I?" I laughed.

"Eh? Should we be wearing hats too?" He tilted his head.

"Pfft, no. No one's gonna remember come boys clubbing." I waved him off.

"So mean, (Y/n)-chaaan!"

"Shush up! We're here!"

     I held up my wrist for the bouncer to see the bracelet I wore. He nodded and let me through. As the boys followed behind me, the bouncers stopped them. "Oye!" I shouted at them, cussing them out in Spanish; this club was ran by Hispanics after all.

     A very length cussing session if I might add. The nodded in understandment, and slight fear, and let the group through. Once they were let in, they awed at their first time being in a club. "First drinks on me, boys!" I shouted and made my way to the bar.

     After getting everyone a shot, we downed it quickly. Most of them coughed after drinking the strong liquor, making me laugh. Some of the regulars noticed I was here and asked if I would sing again. I debated if I should or not. After a few questions about it from the team, I decided I'd show them a good time.
     I got on the stage on shooed the dj to the side. "What's up, party people!?" I said into a microphone, earning a loud response from the crowd.

"That was weak!" I booed. "Give me your best, people!" I laughed.

     They cheered much louder, more than I expected. "That's what I love to hear! Now, let's get this party pumping!! Turn it up!!" They cheered as the music started up.

     Someone from the crowd offered me a shot, to which I quickly down and threw the glass behind me. "I hate to do this to y'all, but I got friends waiting on me!" The crowd collectively groaned. "Until next time! Stay sexy, people!" I laughed before hopping off the stage.

     I made my way towards the group, most of their jaws on the floor. "You... you..." Oikawa could barely speak, which made me laugh.

"Oh! I have to show you guys the best part of this club!" I smirked, going through the crowd to go towards the back of the establishment.

     They followed as I opened a rusty metal door. Behind the door was a large amount of people surrounding a metal cage. "This! This is fight club, my dudes!" A large grin was on my face before I went towards a room towards the side, making the group follow me.

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