Chapter Three: Boy Talk

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Edited on 05/23/21

Your pov
      Mo quickly dragged me to my room and threw me onto my bed. "You don't need to throw me. Jeez." I laughed.

"Tell me all about him!" She giggled and laid on my bed while resting her face in her hands.

"I still have homework." I grabbed my backpack and sat at my desk.

"You said you'd tell my while you worked!"

"Okay! Okay!" I gave in and began to physically describe Kyõtani.

"He sounds hot. Bit of a bad boy, eh?"

"I mean, I guess so?" I shrugged.

"Don't lie! I know you thinkin' dirty of him~." She cooed.

"Yeah, right. I'm not you." I poked her cheek with my pencil.

     She swatted my hand away. "Just think about it! A hot guy and a bad boy? Whoo~! Imagine what he might be into~." She laughed.

     Now that she had said that, that's what I began to think. I set my pencil down and let my mind wander. "See! I told you! You pervert!" She cackled.

"I only thought of it because you said it." I crossed my arms.

"Nu-uh!" She shook me by my shoulders. "You probably would've thought about it later and start doing the nasty! You'd probably be like, 'ooh, Kyou-kun~ yes~ right there~'!" She tried to mimic my voice as sexual as she could.

"Just say masturbate. You're, like twenty something. And I don't sound like that."

"It sounds weird!" She huffed.

"Masturbate." I toyed with her.

"Staaaahp! Or I'll tell the Kyõ kid you thought about fucking him!" She stuck her tongue out.

"I'll tell that coach advisor person you thought about fucking him." I taunted back.

"There's no winning with you!" She cried and flopped on my bed.

     I shrugged my shoulders and laughed while I continued to do my homework. After hours of her continuing to bug me about more details, I finished my homework. "It's time to sleep! Bye bye!" I forced her out of my room.

     She tried to stop me, but I got her out. I sighed in relief as I could finally go to sleep. I laid in my bed harshly as I sprawled over it. I turned to put my phone on it charger to realize I had a message.

Oi-kun: did u get home okay???

Me: yeah
Me: I was just about to sleep

Oi-kun: did I wake u?
Oi-kun: sorrys :p

Me: lol
Me: its chill I just laid down
Me: but u should sleep too
Me: it's getting late

Oi-kun: awe
Oi-kun: u care for me ^///^

Me: lol its cuz I'm gonna make yall work extra hard during practice

Oi-kun: so mean, (Y/n)-chan
Oi-kun: T^T
Oi-kun: but I'll sleep
Oi-kun: night night, (Y/n)-chan

Me: goodnight, oi-kun

     I turned my phone off and put it on the charger. After laying for awhile, I finally fell asleep.

~ Time Skip to After School~

     It was finally the end of the day. I yawned loudly as I made my way to the gym.

     I hummed slightly as I entered the gym. I was met with an empty gym. 'Were they not here yet? Am I early?' Suddenly, an arm wrapped around my shoulder. "(Y/n)-chan! Since when did you start showing up places early?" Oi-kun teased as he gave me a side hug.

"Oh, I was early? Dang. When's practice start?"

"About twenty to thirty minutes after school ends." Iwa-kun said.

"Dang. I could've waited longer." I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Aww! Don't pout, (Y/n)-chan! You can help us get ready!" He exclaimed.

"Urgh. I wish I waited. But fine." I huffed.

     They both nodded and went to grab a net. While they grabbed the net and began to put it up, I grabbed the cart of volleyballs and brought them out. They finished setting it up, so now we could practice before everyone entered. After getting everything out, the rest of the members finally arrived. I motioned for the boys to go do their stretching and laps while I fetched the water. 
     Once I came back, Iwaizumi rushed to me. "Aren't you guys practicing now?" I asked him.

"Well, we're gonna... but Oikawa wants you to play too." He told me.

"Huh? But I don't play in any matches. Why would I play?" I asked again.

"Maybe it'll be good practice for the other members? Or he's being a pervert again." He sighed.

"Hmmm. Okay, I'll play. But we should wait for Kyou-kun before starting." I agreed.

"Okay, I'll tell everyone that." He nodded, going back to tell Oikawa.

     After waiting for what seemed like forever, Kyõ-kun finally arrived. "Finally! We can start!" I clapped my hands together. "Let's get six strong players on one side, and five others on my side!"

"Can you handle that, (Y/n)-chan?" Oi-kun asked, worried.

"I'm not sure you can handle me!" I joked.

"How about a bet then?" He taunted.

"Sure!" I exclaimed, boastful.

"If we win, you have to wear cute clothes every practice until we leave!" He motioned to the third years.

"And what if my team wins?" I asked, curious.

"We'll wear skirts for the rest of the practices!" He joked.

"You're so on! Who wants to challenge me!?" I smirked to the group of boys.

     Almost no one went on the other side. "Hmm. This isn't going to work." I sighed. "How about whoever goes on the other side, I'll buy you guys food after practice!"

"Let's get meat!" Oi-kun exclaimed as he dragged Iwa-kun to the other side.

"Who else wants free food after?" I smiled largely.

     Issei, Yūtarõ, Shigeru, and Motomu went on the other side. On my team was Kyoutani, Akira, Shinji, Takahiro, and Heisuke. "Alright! Let's start! Do you guys want it first?" I motioned to the ball in my hand.

"You can have it first, (Y/n)-chan~." Oikawa cooed. "We'll give you an easy start~."

     This got me irritated. "Then you guys wouldn't mind if I served first, would you?" I was obviously straining a smile.

     Everyone nodded, signaling I could. I grinned largely as everyone took their place. Everyone waited for me to serve. Oikawa gave me a thumbs up, showing I could serve now. I was a bit off the court, readying a jump serve.
     After a deep sigh, I served the ball. With a slight run and a high jump, I served the ball directly into Oikawa's way. The ball hit his arm before bouncing up into his face. He fell back with a heavy groan and held his chin.
     I gave him a large, menacing smile. "You're still up for the bet, right?"

     I could see the fear in the other team's eyes while my team was fascinated.

     I completely dominated the first set with my serves alone, with the occasional slip up here and there. My team quickly won the second set as well. "So how's it feel to be wearing a skirt for the rest of practices?" I grinned largely at the opposite team, panting on the floor.

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