Chapter Eleven: Join Us

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Your pov
     I picked up the unconscious male and brought him back to my home. I went through back alleys to not draw attention to myself, returning back home. "What happened to him?" Mom asked as I entered the house.

"He kind of recognized me, so I knocked him out." I told her.

"You know we only have two options for these kind of situations, and I'm sure you don't want him dead." Her arms were crossed over her chest.

"I don't." I shook my head, handing off Kyoutani to Ashi.

"Take him to the basement. Tell Mo to get ready." Mom told Ashi who nodded. "Let's go." She motioned for us to follow.

     Dad and I nodded as we followed mom towards the basement. All three of us stood behind a one way mirror, looking into the room where an unconscious Kyoutani was being tied to a chair. Mo now entered where Kyoutani was, wearing her fox mask. Once he was successfully tied up, she held a thumbs up to ask if she could get started.
     Mom nodded to Ashi, to which he nodded to Mo; closing the door as he left. She rubbed her hands together before she grabbed a bucket of ice cold water. She splashed the water onto the unconscious male, making him gasp and wake up. "Ooh~! The cutie's awake~!" She laughed as he looked around the room.

"What the- where am I?! Where's (L/n)?!" He shouted, trying to get out of the ropes bounding him.

"Oh, you're never gonna see her again. No, no, no." She shook her head as he stared at her with disbelief in his eyes. "I mean, you've got three options really."

"What options? What the hell are you talking about?" He growled at her.

"Option one: you could join us. You live and get to see (Y/n); though, she'll kinda be like your boss. Eventually you could get shot or stabbed or kidnapped or anything else. Option two: I take you and just... hurt you a smidge. Or option three: we kill you right here, right now." She laughed maniacally.

"Who the hell would choose those choices?!" He shouted at her.

"But then there are so many ways I could hurt you..." She dragged her hand across his chest and squeezed his shoulders tightly. "I kinda just wanna keep you for myself." She sighed heavily.

"Fuck you!" He shouted, trying to get away from her.

"Careful how you phrase that~." She teased.

"Get off! Lemme talk to (L/n)!" He groaned in distaste.

     She turned her head up, staring at us in question. Mom stared in silence, thinking it over. "Go." She instructed me after once she came to a conclusion.

     I nodded, entering the room. Mo waved to me as she passed me, closing the door behind me. I stood before him, my arms crossed over my chest as I wore my mask. "Do you really have to wear that shit? Also, can you fucking untie me already?" He groaned heavily.

     I took one of my blades from my back and pointed it at him. He flinched as the blade trailed from his face down his chest and finally cutting the rope the tied him to the chair. Once he got up and moved his shoulders to stretch them out, I took my mask off. "Your answer?" I simply said, staring at him with a blank look.

"She was serious?" He huffed.

"I asked for your answer." My blade pressed against his neck, his eyes widening in shock. "I think you're a good guy, so don't make me chop your head off. So, I'll say it again: your answer?"

"Son of a-" He turned to the side, huffing angrily. "Fine. I'll join or whatever."

     I put my blade back in its sheath before motioning with my head to follow me. He followed after me, exiting the room and coming face to face with my parents. I hit his shoulder with my own and bowed, telling him to do the same. He quickly picked up what I said, bowing as well. "Let him know what he should do." Mom told me.

     I stood tall and nodded, pulling the still bowing male by his shirt collar. He choked as he was dragged up to my room. Once in my room, I closed the door and locking it behind me as I threw the male inside. "You don't gotta thro- why are you taking off your shirt?!" He turned to face me only to quickly spin around, ears red.

"Look over here." I demanded, my back turned to him to show the large tattoo on my back.

"Hell no! You're-! Y-you're tits are out for Christ's sake!" He stuttered.

"Turn around or I'll cut your hand off." I growled.

     He swore under his breath and sighed before turning around. "Holy... how long did that take? Didn't that hurt?" He asked, staring at my back tattoo.

     My tattoo consisted of a large snake with its mouth wide open to eat another animal, large letters saying 'Venom' branded along my shoulder blades. Multiple snakes trailed down my arms as a sleeve. "This is just a small part of being in this family. Compared to all the things I've done, this is one of the most easiest things." I turned around, making him turn to the side to avoid looking at my almost nude body.

     I sighed, putting my shirt back on which made he look back at me. "What... other things am I gonna have to do?" He cautiously asked.

"Defend our territory. Put other families in their place. Torture. Kidnapping. Even murder. Can you really take another person's life?" I stared deep into his eyes, wondering if he was ready for this.

"I-I..." He looked at the floor, wondering the same thing himself.

"I've seen you fight once, but that's all there was. So, you'll fight against Shiko." I left my room, the male hastily following after me.

     I brought out the other male to spare against him while I went to get more things in order.


     After a few hours, both males came back sweating, bruised, and bleeding. "Both of you, in the shower." I tossed towels and fresh clothes towards each of them. "Kyoutani. Follow me." I beckoned him with my hand

     He followed me to an empty bathroom, to which I motioned for him to enter. "After washing up, come back to my room so I can patch you up." I instructed before going back to my room.

     I sat on my bed, a first aid kit next to me. I laid back on my bed and sighed. 'I really just ruined his life, huh? He'll probably get shot or something. Shit. Why couldn't I have just stuck to the alleyways?' I groaned heavily at my thoughts.
     I let my thoughts continue before hearing my door slowly open. I quickly sat up, watching as Kyoutani unsurely entered my room. I patted a spot next to me, opening up the first aid kit. Slowly, he sat down next to me, letting me patch him up.
     I cleaned up any cuts or shapes I found and bandaged them. Once I was done with that, I put ointment on his bruises. Once I patched him up, I stood up and motioned for him to follow me again. We exited my room and went to find Ashi.
     We found him in the living room, intensely watching what was on the TV. "Ashi." I called out to him, only for him to shush me.

"Quiet. My novela's on." He motioned me away.

"We need a new mask and back piece." I told him.

"Can't it wait?" He sighed heavily.

"Yeah. Tell me once it's done." I began to walked away.

"Who's it for?" He turned back once a commercial was playing.

     I motioned my head to Kyoutani next to me, which gained a nod from Ashi. The commercial ended, making him quickly turn back. I sighed, going back to my room. "Kodu will take you back home to get any necessities or anything you want then you'll move in here." I lowly said, Kodu appearing from behind me wearing his weasel mask.

"Move in? What about my family?" He asked, concern in his voice.

"What about your family?" I glared, making him flinch.

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