Saeyoung Choi x Reader - Misunderstandings Part 2

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Song: My Oh My By: Camilla Cabello feat. Dababy

Warnings!!! - Slight swearing and mentions of alcohol, adult situations, and one-night stands. There are only small mentions throughout the piece, and nothing is graphic, but if any of these bother you, please don't read it.

(F/D) - Favorite Drink

    You didn't come back from the beach until around dinner time. For once, you were able to relax and enjoy yourself on this trip, lying in the hot sun and taking dips in the ocean whenever it got too hot. You didn't talk to anyone else while you were out, per Zen's orders, but that was okay; you needed some alone time to sort out your emotions.

    By the time you got back to the hotel, your friends had disappeared from the pool. You were grateful that you wouldn't have to see them until you met up for dinner in half an hour, wanting to make the most of every second you wouldn't have to pretend to support Seven's new awful relationship.

    After letting yourself into the hotel room you enjoyed on your own, you knew you would have to take a nice, hot shower. If you were going to suffer tonight, you were at least going to look good doing it.

    You had a plan to put into action anyway.

    That night, you ate at The Melting Pot, a restaurant and bar located on the ground floor of your hotel.

    You had never been so happy to see a bar in your entire life.

    Thankfully, the dinner conversation revolved mainly around the group's time at the pool. No one mentioned your quick exodus that afternoon, providing privacy you weren't sure you could expect anymore. Even better, though, was the fact that no one questioned Seven about his budding relationship, allowing you to eat your meal in peace.

    Dinner came to an uneventful end much faster than you anticipated, but you weren't complaining. Now that the formalities were over with, each member could approach the bar without much worry about the others. You intended to take full advantage of this.

    As each member returned from the counter with various drinks, they found something to occupy themselves in the small restaurant. You were forever grateful for the pool table in the corner that grabbed the attention of all of the boys, leaving you and Jaehee sitting at the countertop, sipping matching (F/D).

    "So...are we going to talk about what happened earlier?" Jaehee asked, breaking the tense silence that had fallen over the two of you when the bartender placed your drinks in front of you. You knew that she would ask you about it eventually, but part of you hoped that you could enjoy the secrecy for a while longer.

    "I guess we have to sometime," you shrugged, staring down at your drink, "I'm not exactly proud of it, though."

    "Why'd you really leave us?" Jaehee questioned, ignoring your comment, "The boys think it's because of Unknown, but we both know that's not true."

    You took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the deep emotional turn this conversation was about to take. "Well, you know about my crush on Seven."

    "Yes, of course," Jaehee enthused, "Is that what this is about?"

    You nodded meekly. "Yeah, it is. Is that stupid?"

    "Not at all," Jaehee reassured with a sad, knowing smile. "But running away from this isn't going to fix anything. You need to do something about this."

    "He's made his choice," you sighed defeatedly, "It's time I made my choice, too. I can either sit here and be miserable, or I can move on with my life. I don't want to be upset anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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