Saeyoung Choi x Reader - Misunderstandings Part 1

Start from the beginning

    "I appreciate it, Zen, but I'd really like to just be alone right now," you reassured him, motioning for him to stay sitting, "I can take care of myself."

    "Well, you have your phone, right?" Zen worried, waiting for you to show him the life-saving device, "If anybody starts messing with you, call me and I'll be there in an instant."

    His worry for you brought a small smile to your face despite your horrid situation. "Of course. Thanks, Zen."

    With that, you waved goodbye to your friends, glad to finally be away from their pity stares as you felt like you could finally breathe. You tried to ignore Seven's lack of concern, but you couldn't blame him. He was probably really excited to tell the group about his wonderful date with his new fling, but you ruined it and captured everyone's attention immediately.

    You knew you shouldn't feel like this, but you couldn't help it. It was selfish, yes, but you really thought you had a chance with him in the chatroom. Now that you've met him in person, you couldn't believe who wrong you were.

    However, what you didn't know was that Seven was grilling the group about you as soon as you left.

    "What's wrong with MC?" Seven asked, unable to prevent the worry from dripping into his voice, "She seems off."

    "She's been like that ever since we got here," Yoosung shrugged, "Maybe she doesn't like the beach."

    Jaehee bit her tongue as she relived the last few days, a terrible secret making her stomach churn.

    Being your best friend, Jaehee was the only person you trusted with your feminine secrets. You were so glad that there was another girl in the group to help you when you had complicated feelings like these.

    As soon as you met in person and confirmed that what you felt for Seven was real, you immediately found Jaehee, managing to pull her to the side long enough to tell her what you had been holding in for so long. She was the only person in the group that knew of your long-lasting crush on the hacker, which you were grateful for right now.

    She knew exactly why you were being weird, but she couldn't tell anyone else. At least, not without betraying your trust.

    So, she sat there in almost complete silence, denying any knowledge as to why you could be acting so distant after such an amazing party.

    "This isn't like her," Zen pouted, "Even at the party in front of several strangers, she was so bubbly and bright. What could possibly be bothering her so badly?"

    "She said she's been worrying about the Unknown situation," Yoosung reminded the group, "You don't think she's still concerned about him returning, do you?"

    "She has nothing to worry about," Seven reiterated, "I took care of everything."

    "She went through a lot in that last week," V reminded the group, "She was practically forced into a new apartment, stalked by a creepy stranger, and nearly kidnapped for her relation to a group that she never had any intention of joining. Not to mention, she lived for days with a bomb she didn't know for certain was safe. The shock is probably wearing off by now, and she's finally realizing everything that happened to her."

    "Well, we can't just leave her alone while she struggles with all of this, can we?" Zen questioned from his seat, "We got her in all of this, so we can't let her deal with the trauma alone."

    "No, I think we should leave her alone," Jumin muttered for the first time.

    "What? You really think we should leave her alone during such a stressful time?!" Zen exploded, "You really are heartless!"

    "She asked to be alone," Jumin shrugged, "Butting in is only going to make her push away from us more. She needs some time to process everything before we start bothering her about it."

    "I agree with Jumin too, Zen," V agreed, silencing any rebellion in the white-haired man, "She needs to come to us about this on her own."

    As the boys talked, Jaehee wondered exactly how she could help you through any of this without eluding to the boys that there was something much deeper going on here. During one of your late-night chats, you expressed complete trust in the organization, promising that you weren't worried about Unknown in the slightest. But again, Jaehee was the only one who understood you completely.

    "Still, shouldn't someone check on her?" Seven fretted, "We don't want one of those guys going after her on the beach-"

    "Well, what about your girl?" V asked, hoping to change the subject so that people wouldn't try to bother you, "Where is she right now?"

    "Why does that matter?" Seven spat, disgusted by the subject change.

    "Are you seriously letting your beautiful girl walk around here by herself without any protection?" Zen gaped, "What kind of man does that?"

    'The kind of man that secretly likes his best friend,' Seven thought to himself, but he couldn't let his friends hear that.

    Seven's heart raced as soon as he performed a background check on you when you entered the chatroom. Your beauty immediately caught his eye, but the longer he dug into your personal life, the more he fell in love with your bubbly online personality. You gave off soft girl vibes, urging him to protect you and your innocence for all he was worth.

    There was no way someone as amazing as you could ever be with him. He was a risky secret agent with a collapsed family and a deteriorating mental state. You could never want to be with him; at least, not in a proper state of mind. Seven knew you deserved somebody much better than him, someone who didn't have to run from his father by disappearing from society and severing ties with the only real family he ever had. It wasn't fair for him to have a crush on you, so he decided to distract himself from his ever-growing feelings by messing around with a strange woman, but it didn't work.

    All he could think about was you and what you could possibly be doing if you were still so worried about Unknown.

    But he knew he couldn't allow himself to dwell on the thoughts. He needed to get over his feelings for you before you guys returned to their normal lives. He couldn't live with the pain and distraction anymore.

    "You're right," Seven nodded, pushing himself to his feet, "I'll go find her."

    With that, Seven found himself walking into the hotel to check her room, even though his body screamed at him to scope out the beach for his beautiful brunette.
It can never be a happy ending with Seven, can it? I hope you guys enjoyed this despite the cliffhanger! If you guys would like to see a part two, please let me know in the comments!

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