Chapter 10

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Jiyong was already running his way inside the airport after parking the car in the designated area. He only brief his parents about the airplane coming from China which landed in Korea but the passenger were contained by the government until it was declared that the plane which boarded with 200 Chinese nationals will be sent back to China in two hours. Glancing at his watch, he only got ten minutes left.

He broke into a smile of relief upon seeing the group of Chinese Nationals being escorted back to their plane. He blended to their group easily while fixing his own surgical mask and bowed his head. He ignored the beads of sweats on his forehead while he continued walking with them in bowed head. He was thankful that they weren't being inspected and just let them through.

Boarded in the plane, Jiyong's relief was in contrast to the Chinese passengers inside as they all conversed their concerns over their current situation now. He didn't even get himself a proper seat as he plopped himself in the door at the entrance of the flight attendant who looked at him briefly and didn't bother on asking him anymore when she's busy pacifying the worry of the other passengers.

"Sir, please, find yourself a seat for safety traveling," the attendant said while Jiyong complied anyway and followed her.

"May I help you with something sir?" she asked nicely while Jiyong shook his head hiding his face with his mask. The attendant just leave him be while he sighed in relief. He fished out his phone and sent a message to his parents the he already boarded the plane ignoring how his mom was nagging him.

Almost two hours past and woke up when the captain announced to fasten the seat belt for the landing. He blinked tiredly and complied anyway. It had been a day ago since he last heard about Dara and it seemed that the doctors are closely monitoring their group. That could only mean, Dara can't use her cell phone.

Successfully landing down, Jiyong was surprise that only him had gone down the airplane while the other passengers stayed on. The captain then announced that they had clearance to land in the country of Philippines at Davao city. So they only needed to refuel for another half an hour before they fly again.

When Jiyong was walking out the airport with his bag pack, he saw how jammed pack it is in there with different nationals. They all had worn their masks while conversing to the airport's attendants why the heck are their flight denied. He continued walking until he hailed a cab and conversed to him to get him in Beijing Hospital.

The travel from airport was quite while he glanced outside the street which was almost empty of people. He then turned to the driver who also worn his mask.

"Is it so bad in here, sir?" he asked in Chinese language.

"Yes. Aren't you not from here?" he asked.

"I'm visiting," he just said which the driver just nodded.

Not a while he arrived at the hospital while he immediately traced his way inside only to be greeted with lots of people in there that he stopped his tracks. As if the whole population of Beijing can be found at the medical facilities.

Doctors and nurses are in a very tight protective suits and gears with names written behind their suits while they busily coming and going each rooms.

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