2 - Drunken Musings

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With what he experienced, Bin deserved some peace— even temporarily, and even if it came from a fucking whiskey.

"Did you know....." he trailed off, "..when she looked at me with that cold eyes, I knew immediately...." he drank again, "that she was not the Yejin I once knew."

Like a whiplash, he felt the effect of all the drinks he chugged down tonight, all at once.

He tried to get up, but as soon as he did, the glass he was holding slipped, producing a shattering sound.

The glass broke, and his heart did too. Again.

Dr. So called his wife, informing her that he'll be late because he had to accompany Bin and to drive him home if needed. The man was completely inebriated, now sleeping in the bar.

That's what chugging 7 full glasses of whiskey in less than an hour will do to you.

"Yeobo, Yejin's back." He told his wife.


"And she now works in Seoul Medical with Bin!"


"I know! I had the same reaction. Anyway, I'll call you when I'm on my way home, okay?"


Bin fumbles through the set of keys in his hand, unable to identify which key can open his apartment. Whiskey must have gotten him real bad, because he has a keyless doorknob that can be opened by a passcode.

He sat down and leaned on the wall, looking defeated. He would've called his friend who have gotten him in a cab on the way here, but he couldn't even find his phone.

The door across his apartment opened a little, revealing the face of the woman who peeked through the small opening: Son Ye Jin.

"Dr. Son!" Bin saw her, and he released a smug smirk, "why are you here.... in my apartment?"

"This is my apartment, I just moved in yesterday."

"Are you stalking me, Dr. Son?" Bin was still drunk. It was a miracle he can even form set of words, let alone a question. Yejin helped him up, carrying all his weight on her petite body. She can smell the reek of whiskey emanating from him.

"What's your passcode, Dr. Hyun?" She said with her cold and stiff demeanor.

"Passcode? No," he lifted the set of keys in his hand, "I can't find my key,"

"Dr. Hyun, listen to me," Yejin slightly tapped his cheeks, attempting to shake some sense into him. "I dont need your keys. I need your passcode. What is it?"

"Why would I tell you?"

Drunk Bin was definitely getting on her nerves.

"Just kidding, Dr. Son." He said, leaning against the wall with eyes closed, "My passcode... I haven't changed it since."

Yejin knew what it was, but refused to believe the man in front of him.

She tried a combination to unlock the door:




She heard the door unlock.
Well, fuck. He wasn't lying.

"I told you."

Bin entered his apartment. Throwing his set of keys in the couch and his bag on the floor, this drunk man might hurt himself if he wasn't settled in his bed right now.

Yejin was fighting the urge to enter, knowing that once she did, everything she built might fall apart. But the loud thud inside his apartment decided for her, because 2 minutes later, she's running around his apartment, looking for him.

She found him lying on the floor of his bedroom. The loud thud was from him, who chose to lie down on the carpeted floor rather than his bed.

"What are you doing? Get up," Yejin said, grabbing his arm and pulling him up. Instead, the opposite happened. He pulled her down with him, so Yejin was now lying on the floor a few inches away from him.

"I didn't change my passcode in case Yejin wanted to come back to me,"

She knew the effect of alcohol on him.
That was why she fought hard not to help him when she saw him having a hard time opening his door.
That was why she resisted the urge of coming inside.
That was why she was in a hurry to help him get to bed and go out of this apartment immediately.

She knew that when alcohol gets the best of him, he will transform to the most honest man on the face of the earth, and that he'll be candid, saying things that only lingered in his drunk thoughts.

And this is a perfect example of what she's avoiding.

Hearing him utter her name made her feel things. She knew it would be a bad idea to come here, so she propped herself up and prepared to leave. However, his hand grabbed hers and he pulled her towards him some more.

"Dr. Hyun! What—"

"Why did you do that, Yejin-ah?" Tears glistened his eyes, and not a moment later, his tears start running down his face, "Why are you acting as if nothing happened, Yejin-ah?"

She couldn't look at his face. She knew she would break down if she ever saw him cry.

Yejin tried so hard to ignore Bin's drunk musings.

"Dr. Hyun, go to the bed now.." Yejin tried pulling the almost unconscious man up but to no avail, "Bin, please get up... you have a surgery tomorrow,"

She immediately regret calling him that, because as soon as she did, he opened his eyes and look at her.
Bin get up from the floor to his bed with her help. When he's settled down in his bed, Yejin covered him with his blanket.

He looked at her, silent tears still running down his face. She looked at him in return— albeit there were no words spoken, it seemed like they both understood.

Bin caresses her face, "I missed seeing that eyes, Yejin-ah." He said and smirked, "I was so afraid when I saw you earlier and I couldn't find my Yejin in those eyes."

That was it.

Yejin hurriedly ran out of his apartment,
leaving Bin in his bed. She knew her little heart cannot take another drunk confession from that man.

Tears have clouded her eyes, so she kept inputting her passcode wrong. She harshly wiped the tears from her face but it kept running down. Yejin finally entered her apartment and she ran to her bed.

She cried herself to sleep that night.

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