Chapter 2

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Allison: Isaac? Isaac?

Isaac: I sure scared you, mom!

Allison: You sure did! Can't you imitate any quieter animals?

Isaac: Aw mom, that's no fun. Wanna see me be a leopard?

Allison: Why don't you just come up with your own sound?

Gorillas: Allison!

Isaac: Oops.

Erica: Isaac, thank goodness you're all right! Allison and I have been so worried. Thank you, thank you for finding him, Scott, you are such a wise and caring leader. (Run!)

Isaac: Um...

Erica: Hello! Are you thick in the head?

Isaac: What?

Erica: How many times do I have to tell ya? If you want Scott to like you, stay away from him.

Gorillas: Hey, come on Erica, step on it! Last one there's a dung beetle.

Erica: Yeah, and the first one's gotta eat it.

Isaac: Erica, can I come?

Erica: Well, yeah you could if you could keep up, but you know, you can't really keep up. Wait up guys, wait up, right behind you.

Gorillas: Take that! Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself! etc.

Erica: The fun has arrived. Thank you very much.

Gorilla: Hey, what took you so long?

Erica: I had a little pest-control problem but it's all taken care of. Whoa!

Isaac: Hi guys.

Gorillas: Erica, what is this, some kind of joke? Tell me I'm not looking at the hairless wonder.

Isaac: Well, Erica said I could come along if I could keep up.

Gorillas: Oh no, Erica!

Erica: I'll handle this guys, okay? Listen, buddy, c'mere. We got a tiny little itsy-bitsy problem here, okay? Personally, I'd love to hang out with you. You know I would. But the guys, they need a little convincing.

Isaac: Okay, what do I gotta do?

Erica: Do? What do you gotta do? Oh, it's so stupid.

Isaac: What?

Erica: Well, you gotta, you gotta go get a hair.

Isaac: A hair?

Erica: Yeah, a hair, uh-huh. An elephant hair.

Isaac: An elephant hair?

Erica: Like I said, it's stupid, right? Listen, take it from me, go home, okay? Who needs this aggravation? You know, I'm probably gonna leave soon myself. You go, I'll catch up, all right? You see, leave it to me. I told you--Isaac! Isaac, no!

Gorilla: Ooh! That one hurt him!

Erica: Look, oh, oh, there he is! He's alive!

Isaac: Hey guys!

Gorillas: Hi.

Erica: Oh no, no, no, no, no, come back, come back!

Gorillas: This guy's great! Hey, if he lives you should bring him around more often. Come on, come on, let's go get a better seat.

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