I hate my body

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'Lilly, wake up. Time for school!'
I fluttered my long eye lashes open to appear my bright green eyes. I hated school days simply cause you have to wake up to early. I rolled out of my Queen sized bed and slid my feet into my monkey shaped slippers. 'God they are comfy.' I muttered to myself. I slowly got up of my bed and walked to my bathroom and striped to reveal my body. I hate my body, it was so discussing. all my insercueities shown through me like I was made out of nothing but glass. I jumped into the shower and washed my face with my facial wash and washed my body. I jumped out and dried of then got changed. I but on no makeup besides eye liner and mascara with my clear lip gloss. I but on my black converses that went with my dark navy jeans and white long sleeved t-shirt. I packed my bag and walked down the stairs with a fake smile on my face. I walked out the front door before Harry made me eat breakfast and Liam made me pack food for lunch. I walked and walked for about 10 minutes and made it to the front of my school. I walked through the halls as fast as I could but I was stopped from one of my daily beats from the popular group. I don't cry anymore due to the feeling doesn't bother me anymore. I got up of the floor and walked to the bathroom to fix up my make up and hair. I wiped of the blood of my face were my nose sat. I walked to class and sat down. The day went pretty fast. I had no idea what was waiting for me at home but all I know is one thing. I was gonna, cut..

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