Chapter 1: Welcome to La La Land

Start from the beginning

"I take it that's not what you meant by part-time work search?" Tyler smirked after we had calmed down from laughing.

Jokingly we opened the casting call website and looked through the listings.

"Look at that one!" I pointed at one titled "SEEKING UNKNOWN NAME TO BECOME NEXT BIG REALITY STAR!

Tyler let out a small laugh before hitting on the listing and opening it up. He cleared his throat dramatically before reading the listing description aloud.

"Seeking 4 current unknown persons to become the world's next big reality stars. Go from drab to fab as the country cheers you on from all over for your every big life moment as a group of cameras follow you around to showcase your life. You'll be welcomed into the big world of Hollywood warmly and openly as you will soon become a recognizable face and household name! Open casting call on September 20th, RSVP for your spot alone! Serious inquiries only."

I rolled my eyes, "That is entirely too vague."

"I dare you to audition for it," Tyler smirked.

"Me? What in the world would anyone want to see me do on a reality show?" I laughed. "I spend most of my nights on my couch in pajamas watching Law and Order: SVU."

Tyler shrugged, "That would make it even funnier for you to audition. I double dog dare you."

"Well I guess I can't turn down a double dare dare."

Tyler grinned as he hit the "RSVP" button and it opened up a questionnaire.

"Oh boy, what are they going to ask?"

Tyler and I began filling out the information, the first part was pretty basic as it asked for my name, date of birth, eye color, hair color, height, and weight. Though, I'm sure why my height or weight mattered, but I guess they must have a specific type of girl they were looking for.

"Favorite color?" Tyler asked.

"Why in the world do they want to know that?" I laughed, "Purple."

Tyler typed that in before moving to the next question, "Favorite food?"

I shrugged, "Macaroni and cheese."

Tyler typed and went down to the next question, "What's your family like?"

"How did we go from color and foods to now deep stuff about my family?" 

"Hey, if you're going to be a reality star they're going to want to know everything about you," Tyler laughed.

I shook my head, "I am not going to become a reality star."

"What's your family like?" Tyler asked again.

"Normal," I shrugged, unsure how to answer. "My parents are divorced but still civil, they divorced when I was 12. I have a younger brother and sister, I am the oldest. They both live with my mom, though have good relationships with my dad and step mom as well. I don't know what else to say."

"Hmm..." Tyler thought. "We have to juice it up for reality TV."

I watched as Tyler began typing a response.

"Child of a broken home, my parents had a sad divorce when I was 12 that split up our family unit. I have two younger siblings, a brother and a sister, who both still currently live with my mother. We have a civil relationship with my dad and my step-mom, but sometimes things can get a little sticky..."

"Tyler, that's a lie!" I frowned.

"So is all of reality television," He answered.

I nodded, "I guess you have a point there... fine, next questions."

Tyler and I continued going through the questionnaire as it had fifty questions. The questions ranged from more simple things like my hobbies, if I was in school and what my major was, to more serious topics like did I have any enemies, what was the most traumatic memory of my life and if I had any current addictions to alcohol or drugs. 

"Okay, I think we are finished," Tyler looked at the laptop and smiled. "You ready to submit it, Miss Reality TV Star?"

I rolled my eyes, "Tyler, I'm not a Reality TV Star. This is all just for fun."

He laughed, "I know, but it's just so funny not to make fun of you."

"If you're going to then I won't submit the questionnaire."

Tyler quickly dashed his finger down and hit the "submit" button at the end before shooting me a cheesy grin, "Too late, I just did!"

"Tyler!" I pouted, crossing my arms over my chest.

He smirked and shut his laptop, throwing it into his bookbag and standing up. He held out his hand, helping me stand up off the ground as well.

"Come on Reality TV Star, I'm taking you out for McDonald's... we're not eating at the food hall."

I rolled my eyes, "As if McDonald's is healthier?"

"At least it will taste better!" 

We laughed as we walked out of the school courtyard and headed off to Tyler's dorm so we could get in his car and head off to our fancy dinner at McDonald's.


Thanks for reading chapter 1 :) Of course you can vision the characters however you'd like, but just thought I would show you how I do in case you wanted a taste of what I'm envisioning. 



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