Chapter 3

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"Kurama, just the fox I wanted to see."

"I sadly, cannot say the same."

Tsubaki made a ring of fire surround Kurama. The silver fox just sat in the grass and eyed the flames with disinterest.

"The harvest festival is coming up and I want you to convince Ume to join me since she listens to you."

Kurama smirked, "Pray tell why would I consider doing such a thing."

The flames came closer to him and he could feel the heat of the fire on his skin.

Still, Kurama looked unfazed by the heat. "Are these paltry flames the only trick you can do? I would have thought you were more talented since you are so keen on Ume."

"You claim to be her friend but you don't know how valuable she is. Her connections alone would make my power--"

Suddenly plants burst forth from the ground and the dirt smothered the flames. Strong vines wrapped around Tsubaki and wouldn't let him go. "You are so predictable. The only thing you can do is produce weak flames."

As he said this the vines got tighter around the red fox and it was getting harder for him to breathe.

"Kurama! Stop!"

The silver fox called back the plants when he saw a very upset Ume running towards him. Tsubaki fell to the ground and started coughing.

Ume went up to Kurama and slapped him hard in the face. "What were you thinking!? You could have killed him and then your life would have been forfeit."

Kurama held on to his cheek in shock. Ume never struck him outside of sparring. He noticed that her green eyes were glassy and she looked about a minute away from either crying or throttling him.

"I wouldn't have taken it that far. Please don't cry because of my actions."

"Idiot, I never cry unless something smells horrible."

Tsubaki escaped while the two talked but neither of them cared.

Kurama noticed that Ume was wearing different clothing than usual. She was wearing a long multilayered kimono and just a bit a makeup to bring out the green of her eyes. She looked like a princess to him. Just as he thought that he thought about the scroll from earlier and looked away from her.

She caught him staring and rolled her eyes. "I know I look weird. You don't have to look away because of it."

"You look different but I wouldn't necessarily call it weird. Why are you dressed that way?"

Ume fiddled with her sleeves and looked away. She then looked into Kurama's eyes and he noticed the mischievous gleam in her eyes. She tagged him and then transformed into a fox and bounced away. She stopped a couple of feet away and did the playful pose canines are known for.

Obviously, his friend wasn't in the mood to talk. She would tell him when she was ready. He transformed and ran after her. She did a happy yipping sound and ran away.

He ran after her and tried to tag her back. She was faster than him but he was patient. He knew she would tire herself out soon. Ume hid behind a boulder and was panting. She looked around the stone to see how far Kurama was. She quirked her head to the side when she didn't see him. She looked up a second too late and got tackled by the silver fox. They both rolled and started play fighting. By the time they finished, both of them were panting. They transformed into their human-like forms again and laid in the grass as they tried to catch their breath.

"That was fun. I needed a good run."

"Yes, it was. Although nipping my tails was a low blow."

Ume just giggled and taunted him, "All is fair in love and war."

Kurama rolled over to face her. "You are the last person I would want to face in war. You are my best friend."

He thought he might have imagined the frown that Ume had on her face. She was smiling like she normally did. "You are my best friend too. So to answer your question, Kimiko is showing me the ancient art of seduction. That's why I'm wearing these clothes."

"You look like a princess but you don't seem to enjoy wearing that kimono."

Ume rolled her eyes. "That's an understatement. Now you have to answer my question," she looked unusually serious, "What did Tsubaki say to get you so angry. You know it's against our laws to kill a fellow kitsune."

Kurama considered lying to her but quickly dismissed the thought. Ume's anger was not something he wanted to be directed at himself.

"He wanted to take you to the harvest festival and implied that he was after your connections."

Ume's ears droop when she heard that. "I should have guessed as much. I have few friends outside of my family because of my status here."

Kurama knew that the elders tended to look the other way when it came to Ume's antics. He thought it had to do with her parents who are never around. If her parents were favored by Inari, then the elders would show her more leniency.

Ume sighed, "It's hard having powerful parents. So many expectations along with people always wanting something from me."

"I might not be able to relate to that but you can always talk to me about anything."

She hugged him and he found that he didn't really mind the close contact. When Ume pulled away from the hug, Kurama noticed the mischievous gleam in her eye.

"That reminds me I'm preparing offerings for the festival and since you made me worry you have to help me."

"You could have just asked for help."

She stuck her tongue out at him, "What fun would that be." She got up and patted down her clothes, "Tsubaki, cute Tsubaki, not Baka needed some help with something so I will see you later."

Ume transformed into a fox and bounded away. Kurama smiled as he watched his friend go. Things were always more entertaining when she was around.

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