11. The Plan

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I was floating in white, warm light, weightless. I didn't know where I was but I felt safe and I felt at ease. I didn't have a care in the world or any place to be. I just let my body float in the abyss and soak in the feeling of being at peace.

"KIDS!" I sat up with a start, trying my best to catch my bearings. "Get up it's time for a team meeting. Get ready and be in the kitchen in ten!" Tony turned around and walked out of the room, I'm assuming towards the kitchen.

It wasn't until he left that it all came flooding back to me. The attack last night, falling asleep with Peter. I blushed slightly as I realized his arm was still around my waist. I looked down at him and he was rubbing his eyes trying to adjust to the light. I thought about how I wished he could stay with me every night. I felt so at ease with Peter.

He caught me staring cause he looked up and said, "Hey, good morning."

"Good morning," I said and smiled as he sat up next to me.

"How are you feeling?" He looked at me with a worried look. It made me smile knowing that he was so concerned about me.

"You know, I actually feel okay." I peeked under one of the bandaids Stark gave me for my cuts, and my skin had a faint pink line. I breathed a sigh of relief and started peeling the bandaids off.

"Wow, they are gone already? Does that mean..."

"That I have my powers back? I guess so." I lifted my hand up and after a try or two, a tiny flame erupted in my palm and slowly began to grow. I closed my palm dispersing the flame, as Peter and I swapped reassuring looks at each other.

The glances we were giving became a little more intimate so I stood up and started fixing my clothes. "We should, uh,  probably head over to the kitchen now!"

"Yea..." he replied hesitantly and I turned around and cursed at myself internally for being so awkward. Keep it cool Y/N. Why was I acting this way?

He must have walked past me while I was trapped in thought. "Coming?" he said bringing me back to the moment. I met him at his side and we both made our way to the kitchen.

Peter and I sat on stools at the counter. I looked around and everyone was there. In the time that I've been here, everyone made their way over to introduce themselves at some point. I knew we had to be here about what happened last night. I felt a tinge of guilt knowing I was potentially putting these people in danger.

"Now that everyone is here we can get started...." Everyone listened intently as Tony explained the whole situation that happened last night. "Luckily, one of the city cameras caught where he was going. We already know that Hydra left the old base behind but we were able to trace the car the assailant took all the way back to a building on the edge of the city."

"You know where they are?" I stood up from my seat as he nodded at my response.

"It's time to finish this and attack them at the source." Tony finished and all of the avengers were nodding in agreement.

Nat spoke up first, "We have to take advantage of this and catch them off guard. Whether there really is a weapon or not, we need to stop them regardless. They cause too much chaos."

Tony responded, "Yea I was thinking the same. Now that they know Y/N is here, we have to act fast. We are going there tonight. Team one, Steve, Nat, Scott, Bucky, and Wanda are gonna go in first and locate a weapon if there is one. Team two, myself, Bruce, Sam, Thor, and Clint, we are going to wait outside until we get the signal from team one."

Peter spoke up for the first time, "What about us?"

"Peter, I'm gonna need you to stay here with Y/N," Tony turned to me and continued, "I can't have you coming because we can't risk them getting you. You have enough radiation in your body to power half the city. If they created something to harness and magnify that power, the results would be disastrous. You guys will stay here while the tower is under lock-down. Is that clear?"

As much as I wanted to help and get my revenge, I knew he was right. We nodded at Tony as he turned and grabbed a box on the counter. He turned back around to give it to me.

I opened the box and looked inside as he began to speak again, "Sorry it took longer than expected, but I finally have your suit. I had to make sure it was perfect."

I lifted it and examined it. It was black with a thick but surprisingly breathable fabric. It was short-sleeve with long pants and boots. Throughout the outfit, there were accents of red, orange, and yellows. At the bottom of the box was a mask. The mask mimicked the look of the face of a phoenix. It was the color of the fire with accents of black. The edge of my mask by my eyebrows was shaped to look like it was on fire.

"Wow, This...This is amazing," I felt stupid for only saying that but I was honestly at a loss for words.

"It was made specifically for you. Your fire won't burn a hole in the fabric. Also, your suit has a tracker on it so I want you to wear it later in case anything happens. I want you guys to be geared up later and ready for anything. Anyone have any questions."

Everyone exchanged looks as Tony finished the meeting, "Okay good. Everyone rest up... we're ending this tonight."


Published: 4/19/2020

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