5. The Asset

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Spiderman's POV

I needed to stop and call Tony. I couldn't bring her to a hospital. She has powers and Hydra would still get to her there. Plus, she is limp in my arm not holding up any of her weight and my side is throbbing from where the bullet grazed me. I needed to stop somewhere for a minute to rest.

After feeling like I had created a considerably safe distance away from where the attack just happened, I landed down onto a rooftop. Her head was leaning against my chest as a soft moan escaped her lips. I looked down to see her eyes slightly opening and closing however, I could tell she was not fully conscious yet. With my free arm, I scooped her legs up and carried her towards the edge. I sat her against the wall as she scrunched her eyes and let out another moan.

I was squatting in front of her, "I'm sorry...I'm sorry I didn't do more," I whispered, knowing she wasn't listening. I felt horrible and helpless thinking back on the fight that just went down. At first, it looked like we could take those guards but it got out of hand really fast. She tried to warn me too and I just sat there and watched that man bully her.

I tucked a loose strand of hair out of her face behind her ear. Her eyes were closed and her chest rose up and down. I know I just met the girl but I felt like I connected with her. Maybe it was because we both lost our parents, or maybe it was just because she saved my ass back there. Either way, I was planning on sticking around to find out.

I sat down against the wall next to her and spoke to my suits A.I., "Karen, can you call Tony Stark for me?"

I rested my hand against my side and winced as she responded, "Dialing Tony Stark..."

"Hey kid, what's up, you alright?"

"Kinda...We, uh, have a situation." I glanced at the girl next to me then back in front.

"What kind of situation? And what do you mean kind of?"

"Well... I saw this girl in trouble and I went to save her but then things turned south fast and she saved me back and then I found out the guys we were fighting were Hydra and..."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Peter slow down. Did you say Hydra? Nevermind that now, we will talk when you're back. Where are you now, are you safe?"

"For the moment. She held them off long enough for me to get us out of there, but she is hurt pretty bad."

"Ok, well you should bring her to a hospital and then come to the tower so you can fill-"

"I can't bring her to the Hospital! I think she was being held by Hydra. They would get her in there for sure. Plus she has fire powers. We can't leave her there!"

"Okay Parker, calm down. If Hydra is after her, we can't let them get to her. Plus, she may prove to be a strong asset against them, if they were going through that much trouble to keep her alive. Bring her to the tower, I'll prepare the medical team. Is she dangerous?"

I stopped for a moment. I had never thought of that. Despite the unimaginable power she has, she never scared me for a second. "She is powerful, but she isn't dangerous...Mr. Stark she saved my life."

"Okay kid, I trust you. Start making your way over to the tower. I'll come to help you out once I get things ready here. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, sir."

"And kid...I'm glad you're all right. See you soon." The call ended and I closed my eyes and rested my head against the wall. This was one hell of a night.

"Ughh." I look next to me to see the girl with one of her hands against her head. Her eyes were squeezed shut.

I squatted back in front of her and softly put my hand on the side of her arm. "Hey, are you okay?"

Her hand moved from her head to her bare shoulder that had been sliced. She weakly opened her eyes and started mumbling, "I've been through worse... I've just...never used...that much firepower at once... before...," she started trailing off. Her arm fell to her side as her upper body started to fall towards the side.

I reached out with my other arm to hold her body upright. She was obviously still extremely weak. "I'm going to get you help, I just need you to help me, help you. Can you push through and stay awake a little longer?"

Her eyes were closed but she nodded her head acknowledging she was still listening. I helped her up so we were both standing upright. I held her close as she leaned almost all her body weight onto me. I helped her put her arms around my neck, and wrapped an arm around her waist. "Hold on tight."

As I jumped off, I heard a faint whisper escape her lips that I probably would not have been able to hear if her head wasn't right next to my ear, "Thank you."


The words almost felt sour in my mouth. I had never thanked anyone for anything, at least during my years with Hydra. I really was grateful for Spiderman's help. I would not have been able to get out of there by myself.

"I could say the same." Despite feeling completely drained, I blushed at his response. I just remembered how I fought them off kneeling over him. I was so tired that I didn't even care if he noticed. I wasn't used to letting my guard down around people but it felt nice.

We had been swinging for a few minutes now. My arms were really tired at this point and I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to keep my eyes open. My grip loosened around his neck, and in response, he turned his head towards me and tightened his grip on me.

Spiderman's POV

I could see her eyelids fluttering as she struggled to keep them open. She was barely holding on at this point.

"The tower is up ahead. Just keep holding on!"

She gave me a final glance, "I'm sorry...for everything." Her eyes closed and her body went limp again.

I cursed internally. She was slipping from my arm but we were almost there, I could see Avengers Tower.

In an attempt to regrip, she slipped from my arm and started to fall.

"NOOO!" I was about to let go of the web I was holding to go after her when Iron Man flew in from nowhere and caught her bridal style. I took the biggest exhale of my life.

"Looks like I made it just in time," he said nonchalantly.

"No kidding," I replied as we made our way to the tower.


Published: 4/9/2020

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