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Y/N P.O.V.

Life was for me never good. I was bullied when I attended school. But at home began the real horror. My parents never cared for me. They abused me very day. When I ever did in their mind something wrong, I was beaten up by my father and my mother kept me locked for the rest of the day in my room. Maybe I can how they treated me when I asked something to drink.

Flashback begins

Author's note: Y/N is in the flashback 9 years old. I am also changing a little bit the past of Y/N. One day he reached the breakpoint and ran away from his parent's house. He was found by some ship girls from Ironblood. They accepted that Y/N could live with them.

After I entered in the horror house, I was called by my father. I went to the living room and the first thing I was greeted with a punch in my face from my father. I laid on the floor and hold my check where he punched me.


I would cry but I can't. If I did this, he would beat the shit out of me. So I got up and was on the way to my room. The bitch of a mother entered this house. She looked at me disgusted. But I did a very big mistake.

Y/N:"Can I have something to drink?" *asks very scared*

M/N (Mother's name):*slaps him very hard* "What did you just ask me?!"


M/N:"I thought it so."

After the slap, I went straight to my room. After I enterd my room, I went to my bed. I couldn't stand this anymore. So I decided that I will run away from them. They wouldn't even care when I am not living with them. I waited when they went sleeping. I waited when the time was 01:05. At that time I was very sure that they would sleep. So I prepared my things and packed them in my rucksack. In my rucksack there were an extra T-shirt, one pair jeans, a small watch, a flashlight with extra batteries, something to drink and to eat which i stole it from the kitchen and money. After I had my things, I went very silently to the door where I can get ouf this nightmare. Before I left this house, I left a note in my room. I opened very careful the door and did the same when I closed it. When I was outside of this horror house, I was really glad that I won't live with them. So I ran away from this as fast as I could. After some moments of walking, I was very tired. But to my luck, it started to rain. So I decided to cover me frm the rain under a bridge. I wish I had packed an extra jacket, but I can't return to them. So had I stay under the bridge until the rain stopped. When I stayed there, it was very cold. I was freezing to a point where I almost lost consciousness. I couldn't help but sleep for a little bit.

Flashback ends

I thought that I would die there because of  hypothermia. But I didn't expect what would happen next. 

Flashback begins

I heared some voices. I woke up and saw two women. One of them had white hair and the other had also white hair. The difference between them, the first woman has red eyes and the other woman has ice blue eyes.

First unknwon woman:"Hello, what are you doing here?"

I couldn't answer. 

Second unknown woman:"Don't worry, we won't hurt you or anything."

Y/N:"I ran away from my house."

Second unknown woman:"Why did you run away from your house?"

Y/N:"My parents never cared for me. I was abused by them." *starts to tear up* 

I cried when I remembered what they did to me. Then I felt that the woman with red eyes hugged me.

Second unknown woman:"Don't worry. I will never hurt you."

Yandere Bismarck & Tirpitz X Male Depressed Sucidial Reader [Discontinued]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें