*9* And I Was The Observer, Huh?

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/10th of March, Monday/

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/10th of March, Monday/

The rest of the weekend had been uneventful –Rosalinde had spent her Saturday night watching series and drinking another bottle of wine, she had to visit the supermarket since there weren't left any at home. Sunday had begun with Rosalinde waking up to a beautiful brunch Astrid had prepared after returning home from the hospital at 10am. As they enjoyed their breakfast, Rosalinde told her mother about bringing Geir home –Astrid was rather easy with such topics for two reasons: First one, she already knew Rosalinde would lead with her chin no matter what Astrid said, therefore instead of forcing Rosalinde to lie to her, she simply set her free. And secondly, Astrid wanted her daughter to live her life as she desired.

"So will things go differently with Geir," Astrid had asked while cutting a piece from the bacon on her plate "Or will it be like the ones before?"

Rosalinde had simply shrugged "You know me, mom," she had responded and had taken a sip from her tea "Besides if I wanted to be in a relationship with him, I certainly would not sleep with him in such a short time."

"I can't argue with that." Astrid had said, agreeing with her daughter "Then I need to ask another question: are there any potential love interests for you?"

A laughter had escaped Rosalinde's lips –her mother's curiousness about her love life was funny and annoying at the same time "No, mom, not really." she had answered, although her mind had drifted to one certain brunette right away, which had made her curse herself because she was sure she was not falling for anyone, let alone for Fjor Jutul.

In the afternoon Rosalinde and Sven had cycled around Edda, discovering their new home –they had found out that there was a grill house and a medium sized café. After returning home, the rest had been Rosalinde's classical Sunday routine: checking if she had done all the assignments, bathing and practicing the guitar. The only unexpected thing had been Astrid's visit to Rosalinde's room just before she slept.

"Darling, I made the Strengthening Potion again." Astrid had said while handing her daughter a small bottle filled with an orange liquid. Astrid had been making Rosalinde drink those Strengthening Potions since their arrival in Norway –it was something special for the Völva that gave them a godlike strength, more or less. The reason why Astrid had been doing this was her fear of losing the only person she really loved in her life –she wanted Rosalinde to be able to protect herself in any situation with the strength the potion gave her.

Rosalinde had taken the bottle from her mother and asked "I have to drink this once a week, right?"

Astrid had nodded "Yes, every Sunday."

The potion's taste had been disgusting as always –potions usually tasted awful. After that Rosalinde had fallen into a deep sleep, hugging Valkyrie.

Oh, and she had kept kind of ignoring Geir's endless texts, responding shortly all the time.

The next day, school began with a block physics lesson, which was making Rosalinde happy unlike many others in her class –she wanted to be an astrophysicist, after all. As soon as the lesson was over, Sven almost dragged the red-head out from the classroom.

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