"It's okay.. but it's kind of funny,"  Chaewon started. The girl lifted an eyebrow, "my friend told me she thinks you spilled it because you were staring at me?"

The girl cleared her throat, "uhm, I—uh," Chaewon saw her ears redden. "sorry," she mumbled, "I got distracted..uh, you and your friends, you're burn dance crew right?"

Chaewon's eyes widened, that certainly wasn't the response she expected, "oh..you know us?" she nodded. "I'm uh, a big fan.. especially for you, gowon? wait, can I even call you that?"

She chuckled at the other, maybe getting her number wouldn't be such waste after all. "It's totally fine. I'm just still impressed you're a fan. My actual name is Chaewon, by the way."

"Oh," the girl's cheeks slightly turned pink, "well you guys have a pretty consistent following and it shows, most of the same people show up to your busking."

Not even a name? Chaewon sighed.

"True, but I never see you around, though?" she asked again, eyes following the girl's movements, pouring the cream onto Chaewon's latte. "I always wear a mask, and I never go up front. So uh, yeah."

Silenced engulfed them as the girl picked out the cookies for her. Chaewon, wanting to get this over with as fast as she could, started, "are you not going to tell me your name?"

"I uh—why?" She almost dropped the plate of cookies and Chaewon chuckled at her. "I told you mine, and since I'm friends with Jungeun I'm sure I'll come around more often."

"uhm, it's Hyejoo,"

"Well, Hyejoo," Chaewon started, truth be told she liked how the name rolled off her tongue.

"Can I ask you for something else?" Seeing Hyejoo put the orders on a tray, ready to give it to Chaewon so she could bring it to their table, she popped the question. "oh, sure, what is it?"

"Your number, if you will."

Jiwoo gaped at how fast Chaewon was moving. She eyed the younger as she was already walking towards the tall employee. She began to panic, not wanting to lose, she spotted the angel she liked wiping up a table.

I can't lose.

With whatever courage she has in her, which is not a lot, she stood up and walked over to her. "hi."

When the brunette noticed Jiwoo's presence she fixed a smile, "hello. Can I help you?"

"Well, this might be very random but I'm Chuu!" She said. She internally panicked when she introduced herself as her stage name. "Wait! no, I'm not Chuu. I'm Jiwoo,  but I guess I am technically Chuu, it's my stage name by the way—"

Realising the pretty girl in front of her was laughing, she stopped because she must've been rambling. "Sorry.."

"No, don't be, it's cute don't worry." Jiwoo felt her face warm up. "I'm Sooyoung, nice to meet you, Jiwoo."

Sooyoung threw a smile and Jiwoo had to take a second to normalise her heart beat. She was never this bold with a pretty girl, "Can I confess something?"

Sooyoung weirdly felt happy, mixed with a bit of a shock hearing that. She could feel her cheeks, and even down to her neck, warm up. "Sure, go ahead."

"My friend and I made a bet, one involving getting a number..." As Jiwoo spoke, she thought to herself how brilliant she was. Getting a number without even having to explain hey I like the way you smile ever since I first saw you and I think it would be wonderful if you could give me your phone number.

"Can you maybe give me yours?" She said quietly. Sooyoung's smile faded a bit, so she's only doing it for a bet...

"Well, sure, I guess."

Jiwoo's heart does flips, a very big contrast to the Jiwoo who was keeping her composure as she hands Sooyoung her phone. The other quickly typed in her number and have it back to Jiwoo.

"Thank you! I'll call you tonight then!" Jiwoo said before even realizing what she had said. "Wait I mean, if you're cool with that. I can just text you if you like. Or like not call or text you at all. You seem like a very nice and interesting person so I'd like to get—"

"yes Jiwoo, you can call me. I also think you're an interestingly cute person so I guess we're both on the same boat," Sooyoung smiled. Jiwoo had to cover her face.

"I got her number," Jiwoo and Chaewon said at the same time. Jiwoo bursted out laughing and Chaewon growing annoyed.

"Wait so, we both got it? damn," Jiwoo  sipped on her lemonade.

"I— who gets the free meal then?" Chaewon asked, frustrated. Jiwoo rubbed her head, "neither of us, I guess."

"What? Seriously! You made me get a girl's number for nothing?" She deadpanned. "Well it isn't nothing, Chae. A girl's number is still a girl's number. Maybe you should text her tonight, or even call her. I know I am." Jiwoo winked.

Chaewon huffed, maybe I will..Hyejoo doesn't seem that bad..

can we get an F for chae who just wants to get her free meal 😔
anywho hey!! how you guys been doing??

I hope you liked this chapter, hehe :]

I hope you have an incredible day, lovelies~~

bats and dancing shoes // lipsoul auजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें