Amy widened her eyes innocently. "Why? What did I do?"

In spite of the awkward air, Kaycee couldn't help but giggle. Hearing Kaycee giggle, Sean sighed. Amy joined Kaycee. Sean sighed again.

"I give up." Sean said, raising his arms as if admitting defeat in a war.


"So what movies are we watching?"


Of course, Amy rolled her eyes. "I'm pretty sure I said movies, guys."

"I don't care we're watching Friends." Sean said with finality as he flipped through the tv.

"I don't get it. What's the big deal about Friends?"

Sean and Kaycee both froze. Sean with the remote in his hands and Kaycee with the popcorn bag.

"Wait. You've never seen friends before?" Sean asked in an incredulous tone while Kaycee had her eyes as wide as tennis balls.

"Um.... no. Is it a bad thing?" Amy was a little intimidated now.


"We need an emergency Friends re-run right now." Kaycee said in such a serious tone that Amy felt a bubble of laughter rise up her throat. But she forced it down, seeing how seriously these dance partners was taking this 'issue'. It was almost comical how Sean and Kaycee had both looks of extreme shock etched on their faces for 10 minutes now.


"So what do you guys want for lunch?"

As much as Amy wanted not to, she actually laughed along with her mentors as she watched the characters in the tv mess their life up. They had finished watching two seasons of Friends back to back and spent their entire morning slouching on the couch.

Talk about productivity.

"You're the chef Lew. You tell us." Kaycee commented from her comfortable position on the couch with 632838 pillows.

"Yeah surprise us." Amy's muffled voice came from underneath a sea of blankets.

"Well you guys can't chill here while I cook."

"Please enlighten us why?"


"Because what?"

"Just because." Sean said as he approached Kaycee's castle of pillows and tried to pull her out of it.

"Comeeeeeeee onnnnnnn." Sean whined.

"Fine...fine.... let's go Amy."

"Bu.. ..buttt...." Amy poked her head out of her sea of blankets. But didn't object too much anyway since she didn't wanna be alone. Also because they didn't even wait for her to give her an excuse.

"Waitttttt for me." Amy yelled at the two retreating figures with her blankets still stuck to her body and dragging it like a huge gown.

To Amy's surprise, she was not getting bored. Yes, she had been sitting on the table with her blanket stuck to her body for 30 minutes now but she wasn't bored. Why? Well because she had been observing the two teenagers for quite some time now, who by the way seemed to have forgotten her existence.

They had decided to make a pizza together. Together was only for the sake of saying since Sean was doing all the work while Amy and Kaycee lay around. And right now they were standing near the gas together giggling and too close to be platonic. Amy called it 'un-platonic' because if she had been standing like that to any of her opposite gender friends her mother would have freaked out.

Sean and Kaycee || OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now