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I saw the black hair guy smile at me but in return I wink at him then I saw his face turn into red color. So cute

Then suddenly, "My name's is Edmund.... King Edmund the Just" he nervous says as he offer his hand to handshake. I smile at his gesture, "Davina, Your majesty" I bow to him and I heard him laugh. "No need titles, Davina....just Edmund" he said to me.

"Well then Edmund, Nice to meet you" I say as I shake his hands. We both smile for a while. Touching his skin seems so smooth. When we have an eye contact, someone clear his throat to cut our eyes. We turn our head towards Trumpkin.

"Your majesty, Your brother wants you to go with him" Trumpkin voice got deeper when he say that. Edmund clear his throat and then greet me again, "See you later, Davina" I smile at him as he already out of my sight. I look down to see Trumpkin, "I miss you too, Trump" then continue to walk.

No we are heading to the Aslan's How for our next step to defeat King Miraz and his army. The Narnias, led by Peter and Caspian, walk through the forest.

I face Trumpkin "So, what are they like?" then he snicker as my remarks "Complainers... Stubborn as mules in the morning" Apparently there are the Old Kings and Queens of Narnia and I didn't expect what Trumpkin said.

"So you like them?" I asks to him. "Well enough" Trumpkin says.


We see Aslan's How. Centaurs stand on either side of the entrance and raise their swords. We continue to walk as Caspian and Davina stops and let us to go first.

Lucy smiles at a child centaur who is holding his sword too low. They enter the How and find Narnians making weapons. "It may not be what you are used to, but it is defensible." Caspian says.

"Peter, you might want to see this" as Susan hold her torch. We carry our torches at the carvings on the walls, which shows us as Kings and Queens.

"It's us" Susan says, "What is this place?" Lucy ask Caspian. "You don't know" Davina says. Davina picks up the torch and leads us down a dark tunnel. At the end, she lights a fire and it spreads around the room, revealing carvings of Narnians and Aslan..... And slowly walks forward. Lucy turns back.

"He must know what he's doing" Lucy says. "I think it's up to us now" Peter reply to her. We all look at the carving of Aslan.

It's now or never.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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