Chapter 11

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I bandaged my arm and just laid on my bed thinking over my discovery. So... Did this mean I was bi? It must do. I was still so confused about my sexuality, and then terrified of what would happen if any Slytherins found out my feelings. Worse still, if my father found out....

When it was 15 minutes until 6, I heard the other Slytherins leave the common room to go to dinner. I'd began avoiding meal times, only getting my food from the kitchen. I knew I had to eat more, but I'd always had a very low appetite from being given the smallest servings of food at the Manor, so now I had even less and therefore could only eat about half a plate of food per day. And it took a lot of work to shut out the voice when I was eating this. Lately, the voice had quietened down. I only really heard it when I was a my lowest, and when I was eating. But normally I could shut it out.

I went to the entrance hall, hiding behind a pillar so no one could see me. After a while I saw Harry and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Dray!"

"Hi..." I replied, then cursing myself for the light blush that was beginning to form. Ugh, why was I suddenly so nervous around him?!

"Are you ready to go?"

"Go where?"

"You'll see!" he grinned, and taking my hand (causing me to blush even more) pulled me along. He took me out of the back exit and towards the large rocks where Weasel punched me in 3rd year. (okay, I know it was Hermione who punched him, but as they were dating at that time I'm saying Ron punched him.) We stumbled down the hill, and I saw we were heading towards the large willow tree near the lake. Harry brought me through the branches and I felt myself gasp. Hanging from the branches were beautiful, golden fairy lights - and flying around the dome of the tree were fireflies, giving off a calming and shimmering glow. On the ground was a beautiful picnic with crackers and honeydukes sweets and triangle sandwiches.

"Do you like it?" Harry asked nervously beside me.

"I love it.... Did you do all this for me?!" Harry took both of my hands in his, our eyes locking, my heart pounding.

"You mean the world to me, Dray. You think that you're worthless, but you're not. I can't imagine a world that doesn't have you in it. When I saw you step off that ledge, I felt like my whole world had fallen apart....because you are my world, Draco. And I thought this might help show it." my breath had caught in my throat, and I found myself smiling. I wasn't faking it or only doing it half-hearted.... I meant it. Harry smiled too and wrapped me in a hug, and I was reminded of why I loved this boy. In the dome of that tree, it was as if nothing else mattered anymore. It was just the two of us.

We finished eating the picnic, me only eating at least half of what Harry had, but he said he didn't mind, as long as I was happy. Halfway through our meal, I don't know how it happened. But somehow, we ended up holding hands. When we both noticed, Harry smiled and blushed rapidly, and I smiled and blushed rapidly - yet neither of us let go. It became dark quite quickly with it being late November, but Harry cast a heating charm so it was fine. I was too happy to feel cold anyway.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

"Definitely. I can't remember the last time I was this happy..." I breathed.

Harry smiled and held my hand more firmly, "I've got another surprise for you."  We both stood up, and Harry began to climb up the tree with me following. We climbed up, and up, and up, until we had almost reached the top of the tree. There, there were some boards placed along with a cushioning charm placed on them making it comfortable. However, there were still a roof of the willow tree's branches over us. Harry told me to lie down, and while we were still holding hands he made the branches part - revealing a sky infused with bright, shining stars. It was so beautiful all I could do was stare, watching the different stars glow above us.

"You told me once that you found stars calming and beautiful... And how sometimes you'd just climb to the tallest point of wherever you were and look at them...."

"I love it, Harry. Thank you so, so much."

"Anything for you, Dray. Anything." so we laid there in that willow tree staring at the stars.... Our fingers still entwined.

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