Chapter 20

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3rd person - Draco - pov
The next day, Draco - partly willingly and partly half dragged by Pansy - had left the safe space of the Slytherin common room and dorm and entered the great hall for breakfast. The trio arrived early, so they wouldn't attract as much attention. The kept to themselves, laughing and talking, not bothering with eavesdropping on conversations to try and find drama to privately laugh about later like they had in the past.

Classes were basic - there were a few who whispered, noticing Draco's arrival, but a short glare from Pansy made them redirect their attention to whatever subject was being taught. They almost got through the entire day without running into people they didn't want to see, but when you had teenagers pretty much stuck remotely in a castle together word got around fast.

"Draco!" Draco recognised the voice immediately, and wished he had the invisibility cloak of said person running towards him, calling his name.
"What do you want, Potter." Draco sighed, never turning around so never seeing the obvious hurt on Harry's face at being called his last name again.
"I, well, I was wondering if we could talk?" Harry sounded hopeful, but Draco heard the underlying tone in his voice. A desperate plea, and Draco's heart tinged slightly. He felt guilty - underneath his icy and harsh exterior he never wanted to hurt anyone. Let alone the boy he hated to love. His throat felt thick and it was hard to swallow, his chest clenching tightly, a physical representation of the emotional pain he felt.
"There's nothing to talk about."
"Dray, please -"
"Don't call me that."
"I - I'm sorry. But Dray - Draco, please - just 5 minutes. That's all I'm asking."

Draco forced himself to look at him, he saw the dark shadows under Harry's eyes, filled with desperation and tiredness. Draco glanced at Pansy and Blaise. Neither of them looked happy, but they glanced at each other and sighed. Pansy turned to Harry, glaring with so much power it would make medusa turn to stone herself.
"If you upset him more than you have already -" her voice was dangerously low and murderous - "I won't break your nose - I'll break your fucking neck." Harry's blinked and swallowed, before nodding quickly, as Pansy whispered to Draco, "signal is you need me or Blaise." Draco nodded, and the two boys left to the courtyard. The silence was awkward, and Draco couldn't tell whether it was because they were too nervous to say anything, or if they didn't know what to say. Possibly both.

Before they knew it they were below the tree where they'd first kissed (tbh I can't remember so just go with it).
"I - I'm sorry, it was a habit -"
"It's fine." Draco cut of Harry's stuttering quickly, a small pang hitting his heart. Silence cloaked over them once again, the only sounds were the distant laughter of other students and the rustling leaves above them.
"So... Erm... How are you...?" Draco almost laughed. With everything from his father's abuse, to that bullshit heartbreak condition, to all the other shit in his life - the question alone made Draco feel the urge to take a dive off the astronomy tower.
"How do you think I am?" he didn't mean to snap, but after years of being cold and defensive to the world it had proved a way of getting people to stop asking questions he didn't feel like answering. Draco almost laughed at the thought of what he'd be like in therapy or whatever muggles called it.

"Sorry, I didn't think."
"Have you ever?" the retort rolled swiftly and effortlessly off his tongue, but it didn't have a hint of malice in it. Somehow it was like it was before, when they joked and teased each other. Especially in corridors when everyone had thought it was a typical encounter when really both of them were fighting back the smirks.
Harry laughed, and Draco found a smile tugging at his lips. But then the moment was over, and the uncomfortable silence washed over them again. Draco could see Pansy and Blaise hovering by the castle door, Harry noticing them too.

"Look, Draco - please, can you meet me in the room of Requirement tonight? Midnight?... Alone? Just so we can talk properly."
"You mean without my friends glaring at you from across the courtyard while planning 50 ways to kill you if you upset me?"
"Yes, that would be nice. So...?"
"Maybe, I - I don't know."
"That's fine, I - hopefully, I'll see you then?"
Draco nodded as Harry ran off as the bell went, signalling class to start in 10 minutes. He stood there for a moment or two, biting his lip anxiously, thinking over every aspect of the conversation before meeting Pansy and Blaise halfway to go to class themselves.

Hi, sorry for the crappy ending and sorry for the long break. I'll try and update more but I've got exams for the next two weeks so I'll try and fit it in when I can

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2021 ⏰

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