Darkness [Chapter 5]

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This dream seems to get more vivid as it goes along...My head becomes a burning hell as i close my eyes. Its pulling me into the black. Into hell's eternity and i will not come back..

I hoped the SCP couldn't get through doors so i just carried on down the hall. My heart raced as i became out of breath. Suddenly i paused. Was that..? No. I quietened down as i thought i heard something else more terrifying. I listened again and realised it was..laughter. It wasn't close which was good. As i carried on i was yet again ground to a halt. There was yet another elevator to hell on my right. Then i sighed and walked up to it as the doors opened infront of me.

When i stepped in the doors seemed to slam hard behind me. Making my decent into satans pit i thought of how every corridor, every twist and turn was even bloodier and more darker than the last. Something wasn't right here..it wasn't anything like the game..ive never heard laughter in here before..

Being deep in thought made me forget that the door had opened. I was about to walk out when it slammed shut again..i wanted to get out but i was just brought further into the depths of the contaiment facility. It ground to a halt and opened. I looked out it was horrid. Completely dark in these corridors with a musty smell of corpses and decomposing insides. My god i felt sick. I remembered that the gun i had picked up had a detatchable torch so i slung it from my back and tugged it off before putting the gun back behind me.

I switched the flashlight on and walked round the corridors for a while. I managed to retain a level 3 key and thats when i became a lot more scared..the locks on each door became tighter and more impassible like some kind of extreme danger was ahead.. Was this the SCP that was read on that piece of paper?

As i was thinking of it i tripped over a corpse and i shivered at the sudden chill of the corridor. In his cold hand there were another two torn pieces of paper. I took them but didn't look as i shoved them in my pocket. Coincedence? Then my heart dropped but then rose to my throat as all of the hairs on my skin were on end. No not of the cold..but the fact i could hear...singing..As i listened to it my fear factor went off scale. All i could catch was the last line before deep and raspy laughter sounding psychotic. The last line being 'Pop! goes the weasel!'. My brain told me not to go any further but i ignored it and carried on.

The scariest thing? The voice sounded very familiar..matching that of Markiplier..

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