This Horror [Chapter 3]

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The same dream seems to happen everytime i mouth covered and my body broken..slowly being dragged along the floor with that psychotic yet raspy laugh..will i ever rid of this horrifying burden?

My breathing quickened when i examined the key card. My heart and mind knew i was in trouble but still wanted to carry on. I shoved it deep back into the pocket and hurried on trying to forget about it. Then i got to some grated stairs and climbed them as i saw another set close by i decened once again.

I was brought to this area and the activity caught my attention. There was a huge door reading 'DANGER' and a load of guards were pacing up and down. As my curiosity took over and i picked up a clipboard i decided to wander over to the large room. There were blood splatters on the walls and floor as they had just cleared away two dead bodies..again i had that feeling of deja vu..

As i stepped in a familiar sight greeted me, a tall and flesh coloured beast stood as still as a statue facing the wall. "We must switch eye contact! but do not blink unless someone else is looking!" said one of the guards harshly as i looked closer. Something must have happened as i backed away because i found myself..after one split second and a noise..that i was the only one alive in the perimeter of the area. The worst part? The 'SCP' had escaped..gone..vanished.

My heartbeat quickened as i looked at the notes on the clipboard and read about not blinking or looking away from the creature if in the same room or area. I picked up a gun from one of the corpses and dashed off and up the stairs, usuing my keycard to enter one of the corridors.

I must have been wandering for hours.. the beast too..because everytime i entered a got darker and grimmer...until i came to an elevator...

SCP M.A.R.K.I.P.L.I.E.RWhere stories live. Discover now