he didn't even hear the door behind him close and sehyoon walking next to him. taking off his jacket, and placing it the ground before sitting down on it.

byeongkwan looked down at the blond male who patted the small area next to him. he took it as an invitation to sit down.

sehyoon took out the ointment out of the paper back he got from the nurse office and held his other hand out. byeongkwan hesitantly put him arm in the others palm as sehyoon started rubbing the ointment on it. gently, he moved his hand in soothing circle motions and after he was done, wrapped it up in a bandage. tidying things up with a small cute bow. byeongkwan smiled, finding it extremely cute.

"ahh this remind me. the first time we met i was helping you treat your wound, right?" byeongkwan asked. his big eyes looking up at sehyoon who nodded.

the boys then sat in silence for a couple of minutes. byeongkwan brought his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around them. placing his chin lightly on them, while sehyoon was the exact opposite. the older had his legs spread out, his body leaning back slightly as his hands pressed against the ground. the boys let the comfortable silence wash over them, their eyes looking off into distance.

"thank you." byeongkwan slowly muttered, a soft smile playing on his lips.

the sudden words made sehyoon turn his head slightly to look at the younger. "hm?" he questioned with a confused look. why would he be thanking me?

"thank you for bringing me here. i didn't realized how much i needed a breath of fresh air till now." byeongkwan explained and looked up at the older. a smile on his face that makes his eyes wrinkle and his cheeks go up. sehyoon felt his heart tighten at the beauty called byeongkwan. his cheeks turning dusty pink.

"a-ah. n-no problem." he said, looking away.

byeongkwan gasped."wah, why do you always look away??!" he hit him lightly on the arm and leaned to the side trying to catch a glimpse of the other. the older only turned his face even more away from the younger.

"alright i won't look okay. just please stop turning your face away, i want to see you." the younger said softly, feeling a little embarrassed for saying such a stupid cliche thing. but thanks to it, sehyoon whipped his head back, looking directly into byeongkwans eyes. byeongkwan suddenly felt hot as if he was in the middle of sahara desert.

"wooh-...i-it's hot." byeongkwan stuttered out. fanning himself with his hands, looking away. sehyoon let out an awkward cough as he covered his mouth with his fist and looked away as well.

the two spend a minute cooling down, though it felt like ages to them. byeongkwan was looking at everything that wasn't sehyoon while his braincells searcher his tiny brain for an appropriate topic to talk about. not expecting the older to be the one to break the silence.

"so...saturday." sehyoon started. byeongkwan, surprised, though about it for a moment. wait, what about saturday? ahh saturday!!

"oh right right. so what do you want to do?" byeongkwan asked, face beaming with excitement now. the drastic change in byeongkwans mood caused a chuckle to come out of sehyoons mouth, which the younger decided to ignore due to medical reasons.

"not sure. cafe? sweets?"

sehyoon always spoke in short, mostly one worded sentences. but it was more then enough for byeongkwan to understand what he was trying to say.

"yes that would definitely be nice! ooh can i choose what cafe? there's one i wanted to go to for an eternity now but chan didn't want to go with me." he pouted. "he said that the cafe was too pink and girlish...i mean, what do you even expect?! it's a unicorn cafe for gods sake!" byeongkwan bolted out. he mumbled out a small 'but i really wanted to see it' under his breath which made sehyoon laugh lightly.

"let's go." he said shortly.

byeongkwan whipped his head towards sehyoon, eyes wide with excitement, sparkles flowing around him.

"really? like no kidding?"

sehyoon nodded. "mhm."

byeongkwans smile grew wider, showing his teeth. "promise?" he raised his hand up and pulled out his pinkie and looked up at sehyoon with hopeful eyes.

'what is this kid, 5?'

he watched how the older just chuckled, and felt light pressure on his head. it was sehyoons hand, patting his head slowly.

"'so soft." he murmured, running his hand through byeongkwans hair.

"t-t-that wasn't the q-question!" the said male stuttered, feeling flustered once again. heart please stop!

"okey." sehyoon smiled, and connected his pinkie with byeongkwans. in the process, noticing how much smaller and thinner byeongkwans hands and fingers were compared to his own. also how soft the milky white skin of the younger was. the small skinship caused his heart to flutter, which he mentally begged to stop before he goes into cardiac arrest.

the small momento was interrupted by the sound of the bell. it was barely audible but byeongkwan had sensitive ears and good hearing.

"ahh w-we should go." he said and quickly got up off the floor. sehyoon soon followed him, picking up his jacket as well in the process and dusting it off.


"what? oh- i have geometry. it's on the other side of the school. you?"

sehyoon nodded in acknowledgment and replied with a short 'geography' like he always does.

"alright, i will get going then. thank you for the help sehyoon!" byeongkwan beamed with a smile that could heal souls and make hearts shake. in sehyoons situation it was both.

"bye bye." he said in a sweet tone that byeongkwan haven't heard before. he decided that he very much liked how it sounded and he wants to hear it again.

"bye~" he waved in small cute motion and left the rooftop. sehyoon sighing in relief as he watched the byeongkwans red hair go down the stairs and disappear into the dark hallway.

**not edited**

i suck at writing fluff and cute stuff. :"(

No Words Needed |wowkwan|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें