Chapter 1

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Today I was watching the news as I packed my things in a rush, tears ran down my cheeks as I recognized the man in the picture that the news supplied.

I was watching the news while throwing clothes in a suitcase and booking the first flight to Korea. I know what you might be thinking. "If you leave you'll look suspicious" I don't care. the picture of the man who was found in a State Parks forest a few towns away, that mans picture brings up feelings and memories I don't need nor want.

The soonest flight is in 3 hours and lucky for me they still have tickets left!

I dry my eyes as I pack my laptop away and turn the TV off, then rushing towards the door. I opened the door and was startled to the point I jumped when I saw someone standing in between me and my getaway

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice, I look up, taking my hand off my chest and looking at my best friend in the eyes before standing up straight and praying I don't look as bad as I feel.

"To the airport," I say, trying to convince him. But he didn't look too convinced... I sigh "I'm leaving the country."

"You're WHAT!?!?" He exclaimed. "Eric, please don't scream, I have neighbors." He still looked at me with that mom look 'you have till the count of 3' I shivered at that look.

"I can't tell you. Now can you move, my flight leaves in less than 3 hours" I explained but he wasn't budging. "is this because they found your ex's body?" He asked concerned. He was just being a good friend. But my body tensed at the mention of that devil.

My eyes started to tear up, but I wasn't going to let him see that.

"What do you mean his body was found, I told you he walked out on me and my mother, after saying he'd supply everything for us but didn't." The look I saw in his eyes I couldn't quite explain, or understand, but it scared me.

"Can I get to my car now?" I question, acting as if it didn't faze me, but it did. He sighed and move to the side, "I expect a call once a week, and if you find a new best friend I WILL know." He said pointing a finger at me. I laughed and pushed his finger back down with my free hand before saying my goodbyes, and walking to my car.

That's when everything started happening, my ex-boyfriends body was found, I was the reason it was there in the first place, and yet even though he's dead he's still haunting me, making me leave the only home I've ever known. Making me leave my best friend, the one who stood up to you and lost a tooth he never got back.

I load my luggage into my trunk with Eric's help. He walked in front of me, opening the driver's side door and signaling for me to get inside. I smile as I slide into the car.

"I expect an explanation one day missy." He spoke as if I was a child who was being scolded. "Maybe one day. Behind glass and a recorded conversation," I mumbled the last part. "Sorry what?" He asked and I shook it off with a wave of a hand.

We said goodbye once again before he shut my car door and I had to grip the steering wheel so hard just so my hands will stop shaking. My knuckles turned white as I watched Eric standing in the middle of the road waving goodbye. 

The tears spilled once again, and they continued to flow the rest of the way to the airport. 

You will never know how much you truly helped me, Eric Nam. I sent a silent message to Eric hoping he gets it. Then I take a deep breath before turning off my car and getting out.

I walk to the trunk of my car, opening it, I grab my suitcase, but the zipper got stuck on something inside my trunk. I furrow my eyebrows and I pull and pull, harder and harder each time.

Something snapped and suddenly I'm falling back, I brace myself for the impact of the hard ground, but it never came. Instead, I felt a strange pair of arms wrap around me, an arm around my waist and the other one holding my suitcase.

I looked up and locked eyes with a handsome boy.

"That's quite the fall you almost took, are you okay?" He asked and I hummed with a nod. He set me back up on my feet and just then I realized he just spoke Korean... in America...

Korean is a second language but luckily I'm fluent. I was just so shocked at his handsome features that I didn't even realize the language he was speaking.

Then I look at the suitcase of mine he's holding onto. I sigh when I see the zipper won't stay at the end of its tracks, to keep it closed. I start going over my options until I heard a couple of other voices.

"Are you okay miss?" Another beautiful boy asked in English, with an evident accent. "Yeah, I'm fine thanks to this boy here," I said with a thankful smile towards the said boy.

"Thank you," I said in Korean with a slight bow. "It's no problem-" he was interrupted when the boy with the accent cut in. "Oh it looks like your suitcase is broken!" he spoke and I sighed with a nod.

The other boy who had yet to speak start searching through his bag that's hanging on his shoulder before taking out a roll of ducktape.

"Step back hun," he said, taking the end of it and stretching out a long strip, making a weird noise. I gave him a confused look while stepping aside. He walked up and started taping the zipper in place so it wouldn't come undone and end in me losing my clothes.

I smile gratefully as he finished. "Woojin, why did you just pull ducktape out of your bag like it's the most common thing?" The accented one asked him in Korean.

"When you take care of 8 kids, you learn that you'll need it wherever you go." This Woojin guy explained. "Well, thank you," I said in Korean once again. It's been years since I've had to use this language, I hope I'm not messing up.

"Woojin, you only have 7 kids" the accented one questioned the other boy's math skills. "I'm counting you Channie," he explained and this Channie looked offended. I giggle at their interaction before reaching out my hand to the boy who helped me. 

"My name is Y/n" he looked shocked that I was introducing myself. "Changbin." He stated simply, taking my hand and shaking it firmly. "And that's Woojin and Chan if you haven't already figured it out," he said causing both of us to giggle as Chan bickers with Woojin about the fact he's not immature, and Woojin kept denying it.

"Guys our plane leaves in an hour!!" I turn towards the front of the airport to see 6 other young boys. The one who called out had squirrel-like cheeks, not gonna lie.

"You guys going back to Korea?" I ask Chan as I stand my suitcase up and shutting my trunk and locking the car. He nodded with a hum.

"What about you? Where are you heading this fine evening?" If by fine evening he meant clouds, then yes, wonderful evening. "I'm also heading to Korea," I said matter of factly. We compared tickets and found out we were taking the same plane as well and we were even seated pretty close to him and the rest of the group. 

We join up with the rest of his group and start walking. He introduced me to everyone, some of them speaking English to me, some realizing it's no use, and then started speaking Korean.

I left my house thinking my mood will never improve, that I will never be happy again, but I was proven wrong in the parking lot of the airport that was going to help me get my amazing getaway.

They looked at me with such happiness and glee.

Would that look change if they knew what I did?

What I'm running from?

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