Dear Niall {2}

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Author's Note drei:
When the lads are reading Channing's letter, I just wanted to clarify, that the paragraphs you see that are italicized are part of the letter. If the paragraphs are not in italics, then those are the conversations the boys are having while reading the letter, or thoughts Niall is having to himself. I know that may be obvious to some readers, but there are a few who have gotten confused :)

(In case you didn't notice, I didn't want to pick a celebrity to play her, I just want you to imagine her as an ordinary girl who's simple but beautiful! BUT if I had to choose someone I would want her to be played by Emmy Rossum :3)

Dedicating this chapter to @goingonedirection5 because she leaves encouraging comments :)

||Pic to the right is a collage made by @5boysaremyworld <3||

Check out the video to the right also :) Niall is soo cute I can't take it!


Chapter 2: Dear Niall

|| l o u i s ||

I tried to keep an eye on what happening at the end of the table without being too obvious, since I still had to attempt to interact with the loud, obnoxious fans that came up after Channing. It was hard to pay attention to them though... they handed me Cd's and magazines to sign and I gave them high fives as I smiled for pictures. I noticed Niall was now standing and holding her wrist as he examined it. What on earth is going on? One of the girls was trying to get my attention and I noticed she had her phone out and was recording me. I waved to the camera but became distracted again as Zayn bumped my shoulder causing me to look at the end of the table once more.

I watched as Niall kissed her wrist and then whispered something to her as he pulled her in for a hug. She squeezed her eyes shut during their embrace and I felt my heart ache for her as I saw two tears glide down, leaving glistening trails down her wet cheeks. She looked as if she were about to crumble into pieces.

"You reckon he knows her or something?" Zayn whispered, sounding distracted. I merely shrugged my shoulders and turned back to the girls in front of me. The one with the video camera was now turned towards the end of the table as she taped Niall and Channing.

I wanted her to stop because it felt like we were all eavesdropping on a very intimate moment, but I bit my tongue because I didn't want her to think it was a big deal, and I honestly didn't want to cause a scene. All of the boys and even the crowd seemed to simmer down as we all watched Channing hug Niall one last time before handing him a piece of paper. All I felt was confusion and curiosity swirling around my brain, making me dizzy.

We watched as the girl with the green snapback and beautiful brown hair hurried away from the table, while Niall faced everyone and nonchalantly pushed the paper into his pocket. We were all going to be asking him about that little ordeal later, that was for sure. He slowly sat back down looking unsure of what to do with himself, like he really had a heavy load weighing on his mind. He suddenly looked up at the girl who still held up her phone, videotaping everything.

"Oi! You there! Were yeh tapin' that girl I jus' spoke with?" he asked kindly.

She nodded her head and wandered away from me, slipping by all of the other lads as she went to stand in front of Niall.

"Ok. what's yer Twitter? Can yeh send me a link of the vid?" he asked as he got his phone out. He looked up at the girl expectantly as she stood there, dumbstruck for a moment.

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