I may be a corpse

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Today I woke up cold .
     I stood up and my limbs were stiff .
          As stiff as terrible restaurant bread .
            I got dressed and went to work only to be met by strange and terrified looks .
       My boss called me into his office .
                       He was a strong man .
  But upon sight of me he turned pale as if he had seen a corpse .
         He told me to have the day off .
       So I decided to go to a date .
            When she saw me she spewed vomit all over our table and shrieked and ran away .
               I went home burdened with a heavy  sadness .
                   Why did everyone look at me like I was some freak ??

          I decided to look in a mirror to see what they saw .

          And too my shock I was met with a pale grotesque corpse looking back .

I think I may be a corpse .
  My lifeless face pale as if it were the dead middle of winter .
My limbs are stiff with rigor mortis .
        My eyes gray as for the light has faded from them .
I'm a corpse, aren't I ??

Dark Abstract (Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat