17(Finale Part 3)

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His fangs reach my neck as a scream manages to gurgle it's way out of my throat. I feel my blood being drained from my body. I have to act and think fast. "Mercy please listen to me. I love you. I always have. I've always loved you and bowser. Just because I can't die now, dosent me you should kill me please" I plead as my head starts to pound and my vision starts to fade. He unhinges his fangs from my neck. His voice faint and vulnerable. "Really you mean it? It wasn't my plan to kill you in the first place. It takes about five thousand years for a vampire to mature from new born. I was violent yes I didn't mean to ever hurt you Luigi" Mercy says to me. I just nod as my vision starts to fade.

I hear nothing as the blood rushes to my ears. Silence once again. Why is it always silence. When I prefer silence then the screams of my own pain and others pain. I wake up again. This is the millionth time I've woken up from being drank from, knocked out or killed and I'm getting angry. I wake up In A soft bed. This time it isn't bowsers room. As everything is black and gray. This is Mercy'a room. As dry bones are black and gray. I shudder. Then a wave of sadness hits me. I lied to him, about my feelings. Did I really though I question. No I could really have feelings for him and bowser both right? I agree with my thoughts. They both just need love.

I sigh as I rest on the dark ash gray silk comforter. Why do vampires have such good taste in fabric. Expensive fabric. A vision decides to spring onto me out of no where. I open my eyes and I am met with the place I first talked to fate. She was standing still. Not moving as I reach towards her. I gently grab her shoulder and shake. I receive a "oh luigi you scared me. Sorry I was seeing what was going down below if you know what I mean" she says. I look at her as I shake my head.

"Right so I called you here for a reason. Deep in your soul your deciding on whether or not putting Bowser and Mercy back to sleep is a good idea. Your also thinking they just need loved and that everything will be better. I summoned you here to tell you, that if you love something let it go. If it comes back it's yours. Mercy and Bowser have both done that. Now tough means you still love them. Sometimes you make sacrifices for the people you love. Even if they aren't the best choices. Use that inner power Luigi" fate tells me before I am awake back on the bed. Mercy staring Down at me with worry.

He looks guilty of something. "I'm sorry luigi. I was overcome with grief and anger and vengeance being a newborn. Can we move forward." Mercy says to me. Anger floods my body as I feel tears prick my eyes but somehow I manage to find my voice "you want to start over. You can restart thousands of years over and just move forward. People are dying due to Bowsers reign as the vampire king. You both need to be put to sleep. No matter how bad it hurts me. I'm done of being drank from like I'm a personal blood bank. Your just as bad as Bowser and he is just as bad as you. There are you happy. You all have done nothing but hurt me. Every single one of you" I pause my rant. I take a deep breath.

I continue on angrier than before. "I didn't ask for this at all. So honestly how do I know it's possible anyone loves me. I don't. So until then I'm not going to believe anyone. When it comes time to put bowser and you and the rest of originals to sleep you are going to sleep. No if ands or buts about it. Now please excuse me while I wonder around the castle" I say to him through clenched teeth. I slam his bedroom door as I Leave Mercy standing their dumb founded at my out burst but how do you expect me to feel bad or even remotely sorry when my life was partly ruined. Nobody is making it better. It's only getting worse.

It's then and only then I remember I'm a Luma. I can change forms. Quickly running back to the room I find mercy sitting on his bed. His skeleton body looking more grayer than usual. "Mercy. I'm sorry I have to do this. It's tough love" I say to him. His head snaps up and he looks at me confused. "What are you talking about Luigi?" He asks me but I don't answer him. I only create a ball of electric in between my two hands and I fire it at him. I watch a his body flies across the room. His head flying off of his body. I remember he is a dry bones and I don't have much time. I switch to the Luma form. I start to float up and out his open window when I hear his head yell "Luigi!" I quickly float up, up and up and out. His head reattaches to his body.

He starts yelling at me as I am floating away. "Luigi when I get my hands on you. I won't be so Merciful next time" he yells with anger in his voice. I don't pay him no mind though. I float back to the house as fast as I can. I had a vision that everyone was still here and all the other vampires ran when Mercy left to chase me. I use the open window to just float into the house. "Mario?" I call out. The house is trashed. "Mario?" I call out again as I float further into the living room of the house. I hear a faint "behind here luigi" coming from a bookshelf. I shift to human form as I move the bookshelf. I let a sigh of relief escape past my lips.

Everyone is still here. Safe and sound. "So it looks like you won but you trashed the house" I said looking Mario dead square in the eyes. He looks confused for a second then realized what I said. "Oh no. Not us Luigi. The house is trashed because of Rosalina. She used her magic and almost obliterated us and this entire house because she can't mad because one of bowsers vampire minions tried to kidnap Baby Luma" Mario says to me. I look over to Rosalina who look sheepishly at me. "What I'm a mom making a difference. Nobody touches my starry babies" she said with a serious tone. Before a smile graces her once more.

"Kamek. I'm ready to go with your plan. I'm ready to show them all tough Love. No more mister nice Luigi. I say we march down there right now and fight them. While the blood moon is still high in the sky" I say with a confident tone. I receive some "yes's" and some "woohoo finally. Let's do it". I grab whatever I need as we all start our trek to bowsers castle to finish what Bowser started.

A/N: awe it's so close to the ending now. No matter bwhahahahaha. The next couple of chapters will either make you sad, make you go WHAT!!!! Or make you say finally some peace and quiet

Love Bites Don't it (Bowser x Luigi)Where stories live. Discover now