15 (Finale Part 1)

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I try to calm down King Boo and Daisy as they are both raging really hardcore right now. I almost blow a fuse, until Rosalina steps in. "I was one the way that sent the universe mail that slapped them right in the face" She says with glee. "Your damn right it did. Not gently either" Daisy says.

Fate then intervenes after everyone starts to talk. "Silence!" She says. The word sounding powerful as I watch everyone quiet down. "Luigi. I have a gift for you. Your memories of all your past lives. I may be fate and my job is to not always be Cruel. You are no longer human but Luma. There for I have no say. So I'm going to put you to sleep, and let you see the most important memories of the last ten thousand years of your past lives" Fate says. That has everyone's attention. "I will fill King Boo and Daisy in" Fate says to me as I lay down on the couch and fate kisses my forehead and a sleep takes the reigns in its grasp.

I don't have to wait long before I'm teleported. To a scene where I see a baby in green with an L stitched to its onesie. A woman with brown hair comes in. Cooing at the baby which I know is me. "Awe Momma's baby Luigi. Your my little cutie. Your going to be so purely innocent. We won't let you get into this vampire hunting business. To take down bowser. No you will be sheltered to save your soul and have no blood on your hands" she speaks softly to which the baby coo's and makes grabbing motions with its chubby hands. I feel tears prick my eyes.

Then I watch the scene to where they killed my mother and father. I feel tears start pouring out of my eyes. Baby me was wailing. Until it was silent. The scene changed to a different memory. I was transported to lush green rolling fields. I watched as The same woman and younger me I would say about five or six was running through the grass the woman chasing me. I was giggling and she was letting out soft melodious laughs. Then I rolled down a steep hill giggling louder as my mothers laughs turned to shouts. Shouting "Luigi stay right there when you reach the bottom. I will come and get you" she said.

I watch as this grass is darker almost dead like. The trees surrounding it are also dead. Barren. No leaves. Me being so young curiosity got the best of me as I wondered through the dead forest. Silence is what covered the area. That is the best way to describe it. Then sounds like rattling bones started to get nearer. A voice ringing out, from what seemed like out in the distance but was actually really close. "Mercy you aren't going to find anything to eat out here. We should turn back and focus on lord bowsers awakening." I heard the voice say before a giant dry bones can't from around the corner.

Red eyes lay their sights on me. A sinister voice sneaking its way out to break the silence. "Why were you saying Diven? I found me a child. What are you doing out here in the open. What is your name?" The Voice says to me. I won't to tell child me to run and I'll distract them. I realize that they can't see or hear me, these are just memories. Then the child me opens his mouth. "My name is Luigi i is five, and I was waiting on my Mommy to come and get me. So I came here to explore instead" Child me said to Mercy. I watched as the skeletal vampire's red eyes widened then a smirk took place.

"Luigi you say? That was your name child. If so then I do remember you. You got to die peacefully and easily the last time. This time you will be my meal and I won't make it easy for you." Mercy says. I watch as he picks up younger me. He opens his mouth and younger me starts screaming bloody murder. That must have alerted my mother because she comes into the dead forest "Luigi don't worry mommy's here baby" she said. She stopped and stood still when she seen what was happening. I watched as younger me's body dropped lifelessly to ground. My mother charged forward something silver in her hand only for Mercy to reach his hand out and snap her neck. She to fell to the ground dead.

I let the tears start to fell harder this time. What kind of karma did I have for my past lives deaths to be so brutal. So mean. I'm then shown another memory. This is from a time when I looked to be about a teenager. This era was different than the others. It looked More technologically advanced than the other two memories I was shown. I heard a knock on the door to the house I currently was in. I heard my self giggle a "that must be Mercy". I felt myself freeze. I watched as teenage me opened the door to let the giant dry bones in. "Hey Mercy. So is today the day?" Teenage me asks the giant vampire dry bones. "Yes" Was Mercy's answer.

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