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Whispering the words " ego voco super mundi ad auxilium mater mea me in tempore opus et auxilium" in Latin out loud and Seeing Rosalina appear out of nowhere was not what I expected. "Darn it. I whispered the wrong incantation." I scold myself only to have Rosalina Giggle.

"Luigi I assume you need my help. I have been preparing Luma and Myself for Battle. Bowser once stole our power stars that ran the Comet Observatory. Don't think he is off the hook yet" I hear Rosalina Tell me in a soft voice. Always soft spoken. "Rosalina bowser has been turned into a vampire and he now has turned his entire kingdom into vampires and took over the mushroom kingdom" I pause to catch my breath. Continuing I speak even faster. "He also plans on taking over Daisys kingdom. Mario and Peach and Kamek and others that are allies are still normal" I finish with my breathing being erratic as that was the faster I've ever talked to anyone.

Rosalina gives me a smile. "I know Luigi. I've seen. I seen while I was hear with Luma. That is why Luma and I are preparing for battle. He cannot be allowed to stay that way. It is an abomination" Rosalina speaks calmly yet her voice was laced with anger. Taken aback by her tone I let her sit on the bed beside me. "Just know even know I cannot stay here beside you, I will allow Luma to. Also to be my eyes, so I can help keep you safe" Rosalina says to me.

I smile as Her baby Luma appears out of thin air. I watch as luma comes up to me grabs my cap and puts it on his head. Making giggly sounds as he does so. "Luma watch over Luigi for Me. Be my eyes." Rosalina says to Luma as he nods his body yes. Floating above the bed Luma and I watch as Rosalina disappears into thin air. Luma and I Left to do as we please for the most part. We were having fun just lounging around, and among other things until bowser came in and seen Luma And I horse playing. "What that ?" Bowser said. Upon further inspection bowser grew angrier when he realized that Luma helped mario.

Realizing I need to calm the situation down before Bowser really gets angry I simply explain things to him. "So Bowsie this is Luma. He came to keep me company and make sure I don't have a heart attack and I don't suffer from to much stress" I say coolly. Knowing that Bowser won't see through my well told lie. Bowser stares at Luma for a couple of seconds longer before his stare lingers onto me. "I expect you to take care of that Floating a Star." Bowser says to me. "Also I expect you and that floating star thing to come to dinner. Oh I'm sorry floating star you don't have a mouth so you can't eat" Bowser rudely antagonizes Luma.

After bowser storms out of the bedroom I decide now is the perfect time to Get my Hugging with Luma all out. I hug luma close to my chest as he faced forward. Truly being Rosalinas eyes as I walk out of the room and into the hallway. Looking around I see that nobody is in the hallway as I decide to quietly make my way to the dining hall. Not wanting to rush I take my time carrying Luma. We walk through the dark hallways not making any sounds. Slower and Slower time seems to stretch on as we slowly make our way to the dining room only to be met with a disappointed bowser.

"Ah how nice of you to finally make it here my Love. What took so long? He questions through clenched teeth. I take my seat beside him letting go of luma as he decides to do his little floating thing. "I was simply showing Luma around Bowser. He hasn't seen any of the castle and I thought it would be nice to show it off in all of its glory" I smoothly lie again. This time looking bowser in the eyes and lying.

Bowser looks taken aback. "Well As Luigi Calls you Luma. If your so interested in my castle I could show you the real interesting places" Bowser says to a Confused Luma. Luma responds with a wave of his hand. "Excellent. I'll take that as a yes. I'm sure you will want Luigi to accompany us, which I understand. You will be a powerful ally when I take over the world" Bowser speaks to luma suddenly seeming confident.

I eat the fried vegetables that bowser had some of the Alive and not undead toads make for me. It was delicious. Bowser remembered oddly somehow that Luma only eats Starbits so he had a goomba go get some. Confusingly and oddly enough bowser had some. Locked away. "I need these for when i go to space. They are also really great for powering small machines" bowser says with great pride. Luma hungrily eating the colorful starbits.

I sit in silence not bothering to speak. Letting Bowser speak about this and that. What kingdom After Daisys he wants to take over next. Not interested until bowser scoots out from the table, beckoning for Luma and I to follow him. I already showed Luigi this but I wanna show you this also so if your ever wondering in the castle by yourself then I don't want you to be surprised. I know what room bowser is fixing to show Luma. I don't think it's the best idea. I don't say anything as to risk bowsers anger.

I watch as bowser opens the door, as I don't go in. I only watch as him and Luma go into the bloody chamber where his army are feeding. They come back shortly luma still looking the same Wearing my hat. Bowser starts moving again this time to a different part of the castle. A darker part that I recognize. The dungeon. "Luigi my love this is more for you than Luma" I hear bowser say as he continues to walk through doors and down a flight of stairs as Luma and I follow. We are met with cold stone walls and empty halls. We are down below the castle. I know that much as the fire that is burning is a much,much brighter blue.

We come across some cells. Empty cells, aside from a few toads. Then bowser stops turns around and looks at me."the next cell has something interesting I know I couldn't let you miss." Bowser says to me. He continues on as we come across a much bigger Cell. Wake up you six. Someone here has come to see you." Bowser says while banging on the bars. I see six forms come across the bars looking tired. "Bowser let us go, so I can pummel you" I hear a voice that sounds like my brother Mario come through the bars. The six forms of Wario and waluigi, toadette, Kamek, Peach and Finally Mario meet my eyes as they all start trying to get out of the cell anger in all their eyes.

"Bowser let us go. So I can hug Luigi" I hear Peach say. Her voice heavy and thick like poison. Bowser only laughs. "The blood moon approaches. Luigi Join me, in eternal life. Let me make love to you, mark you, and finally turn you. So we can rise to power. I'll spare there lives if you do this. I won't even turn them. They are even invited to the wedding that will be held during the blood moon" bowser says to me. The choice weighing heavy down on my rib cage as I can hardly breathe. Luma just floating by tears in his eyes.

I meet Luma's eyes as I give a sad sweet smile. I bring Luma to my chest, as I hug him closely. "Alright Bowser I'll do it I'll give you what you want in return they are spared." I tell Bowser in a defeated voice. He laughs triumphantly. "Oh did I mention. Ludwig found a spell to extend the blood Moon for about three months. So we will have all that time. As it is occurring in the next week so prepare" Bowser tells me as he leads Luma and I out of the dungeon back up stairs. After bowser is out of sight I lead Luma back to the Room, as I hug him close and let my tears fall and my world shatter.

A/N: my Gift to everyone. Happy Easter! Also what did you think of this chapter? I didn't take Rosalina as a type to go into battle guess I was wrong. Poor Luigi is going to have to accept his fate. Poor Luma to, having to stand by and watch. So tell me what you thought of this chapter. How did you feel about bowser, giving Luigi a ultimate choice. Let me know. Also feel free to message me if you don't want to post in the comments below. I'm always open for friendly conversation :) :) :)

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