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Harry's POV
We walked the less crowded corridors but still getting a few stairs from guys and happy smiles from girls. We turned the corner from the dungeons and was greeted by a smiling Theodore nott and a tired Blaise zabini right in draco's face. "Is it true? Did you really fuck Potter?!" Theo asked smiling like crazy not noticing right there. "W-what the hell theo?!" Draco yelled, they proceeded to get into an argument while I noticed something. Blaise was staring down the hall, I followed his gaze and saw Neville talking with a few Hufflepuffs from Herbology. Does Blaise like Neville? I was suddenly grabbed by Theo and held by the waist, "we would totally be a cuter couple!" He said proudly. I looked over at draco who was fuming with anger about to draw his wand. "I don't think so!" I said walking back to draco putting my arms around his neck, giving him a quick peck on the cheek. Pansy walked over and smiled, "pansy did you see what they did? I feel so betrayed!" He pouted then proceeded to pretend to faint into pansy's arms, then pansy dropping him. I couldn't help but laugh. We began to walk towards the great hall but it's time for a little fun. "Hey Neville!"I yelled down the hall "come here!" Blaise immediately started to fix his tie but luckily Theo knew what I was doing so he put a charm on it so it wouldn't fix. "Hey Harry! Draco, pansy,Theo."he said then turning to Blaise who was avoiding eye contact, still working on his tie. "Hey Neville, would you mind fixing blaise's tie? He seems to be having trouble." Pansy said looking smug. Neville nodded and walked the few steps between him and Blaise. "Y-you don't have to, I'm fine" Blaise protested while putting his hands up like he was surrendering. "No I don't but my gram always says 'a messy tie means a messy life'!" Neville said while fixing the tie "or something like that" at this point Blaise and him were looking deep into each other's eyes blushing a lot. Theo moved behind Neville and pushed him into Blaise, making them tumble to the ground in what seemed like a hug. "Nott! I'm gonna kill you!"  Ron said while running up behind draco and I. "Wait, Ron don't!" Before I could think of what to say draco rapped his arm around my waste and moved me behind him as if to protect me. "W-what the bloody hell is this!" Ron freaked out while pansy rolled her eyes before hitting Theo in the shoulder, letting him know he caused this. "R-Ron it's fine, I'm sure it was a mistake" Neville explained while getting up not noticing what was happening. "What do you mean by that?! That Malfoy thought he was pansy?!" Ron yelled getting almost the whole hallway's attention. "Ronald!" Hermione yelled running down the hall, "what is wrong with you?!" She almost growled at him. Pansy looked a little shocked when she heard Hermione yell. Hermione apologized before grabbing Ron by the ear and muttering things to him.

Draco's POV
I had never heard granger yell before or stand up to the Weasley, or better yet apologize to me! Harry began to laugh, "what's so funny?" I asked but then looked over and saw Neville bright red and Blaise covering his groin with his over coat. Pansy was on the floor while Theo just gave him a perverted look. We walked around the corridor and eventually got to the great hall. I grabbed Harry's hand and held my head high as he put his head on my shoulder. That got the whole hall's attention. The entire Gryffindor table glared will the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs cheered and smiles. We made our way to the Slytherin table and sat down. "D-draco uh..." Harry whispered, "what babe?" I said kinda to loud getting a few loud 'babe?!'s from around the whole hall. He blushed crazily. "Well you kinda need to let go of my hand so I can eat" he said laughing, I let go an poured myself some pumpkin juice. Blaise was yelling at theo for pushing Neville saying he could have gotten hurt. Theo only responding with an eye roll and the occasional 'what could he have gotten hurt on? There's no wood in that hallway! Oh except' then being punched by Blaise along with crab and Goyle on the other side. This was perfect. Harry laid his head on my shoulder and held my hand again restraining me from eating with my left hand. It was fine though. "Hey guys!"pansy started "we should go to hogsMeade today! It is Saturday after all and we have the afternoon off!" She sounded excited looking around the room for a certain Hufflepuff she wanted to go with. "Why? Oh! You want to ask Harper?" Theo said loud enough to get the Hufflepuff's attention. Pansy slapped him before he could tease her anymore. "Wait you like Harper ray?" Harry whispered in his I'm-gonna-help-you voice. Pansy nodded. Harper was a 3rd year Hufflepuff, she was in almost every single one of pansy's classes. She was short for her age and had pal skin and long brown hair with golden brown eyes. She was very pretty but Harry's eyes were way more gorgeous. "So it's decided? Crab, Goyle, are you coming?" Harry asked politely. Crab choked on his pumpkin juice. "Wait, your ok with us coming Potter?" Goyle asked with a confused look, "of coarse! And call me Harry." He said stuffing some eggs in his mouth. "Draco! Stop staring at him would you?" Blaise joked making Harry look up at me smiling. The rest of the morning went by very quickly. I walked out of my last class of the day, Herbology, and began walking to the meeting spot under a tree near Hagrid's.

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