Last chapter 😭

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Draco's POV
We got all of the kids off to school and I had taken an hour off, yes I was a teacher now along with Neville, and I was gonna spend a wonderful morning with Harry then we would head to Hogwarts together. Harry would hide under the cloak of coarse. I started breakfast and was talking to Remus who some how didn't notice his husband starring at him. "Remus, you do realize Sirius is starring at you?" I asked while handing him a cup of tea and Sirius jumped a little. "Yes, he has been doing it since 5th year at Hogwarts." Remus said lovingly before sipping his tea, I laughed and picked up my son from his high chair. "You know, you should really get a leash of him, he's named after someone who escaped from Azkaban." Sirius joked and Remus snorted. Harry walked down the steps in a white dress shirt and pants, along with a pair of red converse and a Gryffindor tie. "Draco! Your burning the toast!" He said running over to the toaster, "sorry love, I'm not used to those muggle gadgets." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed his temple. "Ew get a room" I turned to see who is was and standing in the door way was none other then pansy Parkinson and granger of coarse. "Hermione!" Harry ran towards his friend and engulfed her in a hug, I walked towards pansy and kissed her on the cheek. "Why are you guys here? Party doesn't start for another couple hours!" Harry asked them both as Hermione sighed. "Well this one dropped the kids off at the station without me and now we have nothing else to do so why not tag along with you guys?" I completely forgot Hermione was the school librarian. They had three kids, lyric, who was a 5th year Slytherin, she had bushy brown hair and green eyes. Arlo, a 4th year Gryffindor, he has smooth black hair and deep brown eyes, he hangs out with the twins a lot and last rose, a first year raven claw who is best friends with leo and hermione's smitten image! They are very sweet kids but boy are they all divas, "pansy, would you like some coffee?" I asked and she scoffed. "You know me to well potter." She laughed and I smirked, "come on asshole you gotta give me the tea on our kids."

Harry's POV
We spent all morning talking, well pansy was just spilling the tea about our kids because she was the cool aunt and they told her everything. So apparently, there's kinda a love triangle going on with ale, he doesn't know who to choose, Blaise and neville's kid or the twins. The twins are fine with whatever but the one also likes the kid who's a Hufflepuff and is named Ben. We all placed our bets and Draco's pretty sure he'll end up choosing Ben but I think otherwise. Theo and Ron ended up coming over as well, Ron was now the coach of the first year's Quidditch and Theo helps George run his shop. They have the twins and a second year Slytherin who leo has a huge crush on. "So should we flew over?" Asked Draco who was checking his watch, "yeah I think that's a good idea." I stood up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. We all walked over to the flew and Draco stepped in first, "Hogwarts." He said proudly and gave me a big smile before he vanished. I stepped in and waved goodbye to Remus and Sirius, "Hogwarts." I made sure I said it clearly this time making sure I didn't make the same mistake I did the first time I used the flew. I closed my eyes and opened them to be greeted by Mcgonagle giving Draco a hug and Neville standing behind them. "Professor!" I walked over to her and she let go of Draco with her eyes full of tears, "Harry dear!" She gave me a tight hug and pulled away to look at my face. "Each time I see you I get to see two others as well." She said referring to my mom and dad, I turned to Neville "hey nev, tell me how the Hufflepuff really act?" We have each other a VERY manly hug and we shared a laugh. Pansy and Hermione made it through and Blaise had operated there, damn ministry perks, then we all walked down to the great hall. Our kids were happy to see us, their mouths dropped and ale even covered his face with his hood. Leo waved before going back to talking with her friends, I sat down next to Draco and a very surprised Ron as Mcgonagle introduced us. I heard a few cheers when she said Harry Potter but a few whispers when she said Draco potter. I put my hand on Draco's thigh and moved my thumb in small circles, he looked up with glossy eyes and smiled.

Draco's POV
How did he always know when I needed him? I moved my chair closer to him and he moved his arm and put it around my waste. Some girls 'awww'ed and some of the boys actually said 'bro boys can do that?', Mcgonagle finshed her announcement and with a waved of her hand food appeared. Harry started to stuff his face as I scanned the room looking for my new favorite student, I felt like snaps in that moment, I looked around the room trying to avoid the Gryffindor table but my eyes just kept going back to it. I gave in and looked the table over with my eyes landing on a small boy who looked a little uncomfortable and was sitting by himself. I lifted my hand and with a flicked my finger, making a chocolate frog appear in front of the boy who smiled and looked around before opening it. He held the frog in one hand and the card in the other, examining it. His face lit up and he looked up at me and gave me a smile. Then I heard a bang, a pop, and music coming from the entrance of the great hall, oh no, Theo and George flew in on brooms showering the kids in candy. Ron looked pissed but I could tell he was holding back a smile, George scanned the room for all of our kids then through them each a glitter bomb. Leo was about to open it, "wait leo n-!" To late her face was now covered in pink glitter. "Weasley you son of a." Pansy started but stopped herself when Hermione glared at her, me and Harry laughed before returning to our food.

Harry's POV
After we finished eating Draco, Hermione, Ron, and Neville all headed to there teaching areas and me, pansy, Blaise, and Ginny who decided to finally show up, introduced ourselves to a group of 3rd years and followed them in their classes for the day. Ginny told us she had a surprise and lead us to hagrid's hut, I heard a familiar sweet voice coming from the woods and decided to follow it. I saw a group of  fifth years huddled together probably in a class, oh right! Care for magical animals how could I forget? I headed towards the front and gasped. "Luna?!" The now taller blonde turned to me and smiled "Harry! How come your here?" She asked and held out her hand for a hand shake. " I'm doing great! I had no clue you taught here!" I said taking her hand and pulling her into a hug, "oh yes, Ginny wanted to surprise you!" She laughed "now Harry I do need to teach so excuse me please." I nodded my head and went to find the others. 

Third person POV
After Harry found them, they went to all the classes they used to go to and stayed in Draco's for way longer then needed. They had a great day, they eventually went back to the house and had Harry's party. In the end the group of friends ended up back on the quidditch pitch, Harry turned to Ron "Ron, truth or dare?"

That's it folks! I hope you enjoyed and if you have any suggestions please put them down below!

Started with a party....drarry fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora