"oh um hey Santiago" I hear Troy coming down the stairs

"hi" sant said going pass him up to his room.

"um I have to go in a hour" Troy said looking up from his phone.

"but you said we were going out to brunch with Santiago" I say.

"something with the gang came up" he says texting.

"like always" I say under my breath.


While I was washing dishes there was a knock on the door.

"Troy can you get that" I called out



3rd point of view.

Troy went to go open the door while she was finishing up washing the dishes "jimena! Were you expecting someone" Troy called out.

"what the fuck are you doing here" Troy said getting closer to the person standing at the door.

"you know exactly why I'm here" the guy growled back pushing Troy back.

As jimena was done washing dishes and drying her hands she went to go to the front door.

"oscar?" jimena says walking closer to the door

He didn't say anything Troy and Oscar looked at each other pissed.

"OK break it up" I say lightly pushing Troy back

"what are you doing here" I say looking at Oscar

"to talk about what I told you last night" he said looking at jimena

"oh so he's the one that called you, so what you guys are talking again, shit I have to go you should go to oscar I don't want you near her" Troy said about to walk out.

"did you even tell her where your going, let me guess you told her something had to deal with your dumbass gang" oscar said chuckling

"stay the fuck out of it you know nothing, because Santos know nothing" Troy said getting all up in Oscar face.

"fuck you, I do know shit" osacr said pushing Troy aggressively.

Back to jimena pov

"both of you stop!" I say.

"I'll see you later jimena" Troy said scoffing and walking to his car.
I rolled my eyes in annoyance

"papa!" I hear Santiago say while running towards him

"hey big boy" Oscar said picking him up.

I admired both of them.

"mama can I show him my room" Santiago said all excited.

"um yah sure" I say Smiling.

claimed ~ {Oscar Diaz} Where stories live. Discover now