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~Jimena pov~ (most of the book is going to be jimena pov)
I woke up to sant Calling me. "Good morning" I say picking him up from his bed. "good moning" he says back.

I sit him down on the couch so he can watch his morning bubble guppies. I head to the kitchen to make breakfast.

Once I was done making waffles, because they lowkey slap harder than pancakes, I set them down on the table. "Ouu, food!" Aniya says. "don't eat em all, me and Santiago are hungry too" I say.
"dang calling me fat I see how it is" she says. I just shake my head with a laugh. I went to go grab sant so he can eat.

Once we finished eating, Aniya helped me clean up around the house, did I mention she lives here too, yah she can be a pain in the ass sometimes, im just kidding.

"soo there's a party, and Anthony invited me to go and said you should come too" Aniya said once we sat on the couch. "a Santos party" I questioned. "yup!" she says all excited.

"damn, they haven't had one since" I say "yah since he got locked up.. It's a welcome back party, annnddd you guys can-" she says. "NO! not happening and not going" I say before she can finish. "come on ever since you became a mom you don't want to go do anything fun no more" she pouts.

"because I have to look after my child" I say. "come on just live a little tonight, have fun, you don't even have to talk to him" she says.

             *-Couple hours later-*

"soo are you going!?" she says opening my door, I just look at her in confusion while putting away Santiago clothes. "the party!"
She says. "oh I don't know, who's going to watch sant" I say.

"got it handled, I called your mom and said if she can watch him for the weekend, and she was down for it" Aniya says.

"I don't know if I'm ready to be separated from Santiago" I say. "Jimena it's only a couple days, just try to have fun for a little you need a break after 4 years" Aniya says. "ugh fine, I guess I'll go" I say slightly laughing. "yay!" she says closing my door.

I packed the necessities in a backpack for Santiago. I got him ready and took him to the living room so we can watch TV while my mom gets here. I heard a knock and went to go open the door.

(quick note I'm hispanic but don't know how to Write  in Spanish soo I used translator💀👀)

"hey mama" I say hugging my mom. "hi mija"
my mom says. I moved out of the way so she can walk in. "Hola bebe" my mom says picking Santo and grabbing his bag.
"soo you ready, to go have fun!" my mom says. "at a santos party where I have to see Oscar after all these years" I say sighing.
"honey, come on it was a long time ago, I kind of missed you guys together even though he messed up for cheating , but that's the past, and you can never go wrong with a Santos party, I messed Thoes days with your father"
my mom says looking down.

My dad passed away when I was 13, he got pulled up on by prophets , since he was a Santo he didn't want me to be born into the gang or deal with any of it.

"but today is a night to have fun mija" she says hugging me. I give Sant a kiss on the cheek before my mom leaves.

"YOU READY TO GET READY!!" Aniya says all excited popping out of no where. " yah I guess so"


I start getting ready, putting on my outfit, and adding final touches with my makeup.

Aniya walks in with Louis. "Damn girl if I weren't gay I would for sure smash" Louis says, we all just bursted out luaghing.

"you ready girl? " Aniya asked "yah." I say nervous "don't be nervous girl" Louis says

"I'm not even going to be able to get find guy if Im going" I say shaking my head. "Uhh are you slow jimena" Aniya says "ever since Oscar claimed you, he never unclaimed you" Aniya and Louis say at the same time. "he hasn't-" before I can finish Louis says "don't worry girl, your gonna have fun with him" he says nudging me. "no thank you" I say.

"you know you still have something for him somewhere in that heart" Aniya says. I just shake my head as we head down the street since Oscar house is across my house

Sorry for any grammar or spelling errors, it's my first time writing.. So let me know if you want a chapter dos. Word count 793.

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