Making Things Official

Start from the beginning

You: "Do you seriously have to make it sound so cheesy like that?"

You and Morgana shared a small laugh together, the feline jumping into your bag for the morning.

Morgana: "Well, what do you wanna do for the morning?"

You: "We still have a few Mementos requests we haven't got names for. Figured we could do some intel gathering so we got some jobs to do after we deal with Futaba"

Morgana: "Alright then! Let's go get some curry down us and take to the streets!"

Giving him a thumbs up, the two of you went downstairs, taking a seat at the counter as Sojiro plated you up some food.

Sojiro: "Sheesh, of all the strays you could take it, you had to pick such a noisy cat?"

You: "Heh, sorry boss"

Sojiro: "So, how'd your night go with your girlfriend?"

You: "I-it went...well..."

Sojiro: "What's with the attitude change? Usually, you tell me to buzz off! What, she kiss you or something?"

You failed to respond to Sojiro, instantly thinking back to what had happened as your face lit up a bit, enough for Sojiro to use as an answer.

Sojiro: "Heh, not bad kid! We might make an honest gentleman of you yet! Just don't screw things up from here, got it? Dealing with a punk like you post-breakup sounds like way too much of a hassle"

You: "Your confidence in me is astounding"

You dug into your food, enjoying every bite as Sojiro finished setting up the store. After last night, you were in high spirits, excited and nervous to see what would come of this date you had made.

You: "Hey, don't worry bout cleaning the place up tonight, I'll deal with it"

Sojiro: "You serious?"

You: "Yeah, why not? I'm in a good mood after all"

Sojiro: "Huh, keep that attitude up kid, it definitely suits you"

It seemed Sojiro was honestly impressed at your initiative, a gentle smile on his face as he watched you finish up your breakfast and head towards the door. With breakfast finished, you headed out into the city, chatting up anyone you could find in Yongen, Kichijoji, Shibuya, and anywhere else you needed to go to find intel on your targets. At the end of it all, you had the names of plenty of individuals to find in Mementos, heading back to Yongen to drop off Morgana and get ready for your afternoon.


Kasumi: "It's been ages since I've been to an aquarium, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful they can be"

You: "I had nothing like this back home, it kinda blew me away the first time I saw it"

Kasumi: "I guess a lot of stuff around here is pretty new to you, huh senpai?"

The two of you continued walking around the exhibits, the blue haze of the water filling the halls. Every now and then you looked over to Kasumi as she looked at the fish in awe, counting yourself lucky for being in such good company. After looking over the tanks for a bit longer, you both took a small break, sitting down at a nearby bench to talk.

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