Reunited Finale

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I don't own this song at all! It belongs to Phillips, Craig & Dean. The video belongs to Bob Marshall on YouTube.

*The next day in the evening, Beast Boy drove to the airport in his green 1990 Jeep Cherokee to pick up Lincoln, Lily, Lori, Leni, and Soren. When they came out of the airport, they put their stuff in the back and got in the jeep. Just like Robin's red 1994 Ford F-150 and Cyborg's T-Car, the jeep was also a stick shift. Beast Boy put the gear shifter into first and drove away from the airport.*

Beast Boy: So, Soren, how was your flight?!

Soren: Well, it was okay, but I'm glad to be off the plane because it was the longest flight I've ever been on!

Beast Boy: I'll bet! *looks at the siblings* How are you guys doing?!

Lori: Well, Beast Boy, to be honest, I missed Luan after she left!

Beast Boy: Well, you know you can see her when we get to Titans Tower, right?!

Lori: Well, yeah...., but...!

Beast Boy: Listen, Luan will be happy to see you! Besides, she misses you more!

Leni: Beast Boy's right, Lori! The last time I talked to Luan, she was crying! Crying because she loves you and she misses you!

Lori: Well, I suppose you're right, Leni!

*Terra looked out the window and saw headlights on the secret bridge. She recognized a familiar green jeep.*

Terra: Luan! They're here!

*Beast Boy pulled into the garage next to Terra's car and turned off the engine, causing the headlights to shut off. As they got out, Luan ran out to Lori and hugged her tightly. She had tears in her eyes.*

Luan:*crying* OH, LORI, I'M SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO SORRY I SAID THOSE THINGS TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I JUST WANT MY SISTER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*She sobbed as Lori returned the hug.*

Lori: Who said I stopped loving you?! It wasn't your fault! Our phoney parents set you up, Luan! He turned us against each other! But no matter what happens, I'll always love you!

*Lincoln was next*

Luan: Lincoln, I'm sorry my prank hurt you!

Lincoln: It was an accident, Luan! It wasn't even your fault! You were set up by them! I forgive you!

*They all group hugged and after that, Luan went up to Soren.*

Luan: I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye!

Soren: That's okay, Luan! If I were in your shoes, I'd do the same thing! And besides, I still love you!

*And he kissed Luan, who returned that kiss as well. Everyone smiled with tears in their eyes. They took their things inside. As time went on, Luan forgot about the virtual reality device, which is no longer spoken of, and Terra adopted the rest of the siblings, so now their last names are Markov.*


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