It All Comes Out Now.

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"When did Jailyn first talk to you about her relationship with Nick?" Michael asks me. His demeanor is incredibly different with me than it had been with JJ. It's shifted almost and you can almost tell that he's got no more legs to stand on. It's also a disgusting amount less condescending than it had been with her.

"September 2019, it was after she'd went out with Nicks friend unknowingly. He had grabbed her to keep her from leaving which is when I'd gotten there to pick her up. She was incredibly shaken up and asked if I could take her to my apartment. So I did, we ended up drinking a fair amount which is when the Instagram story was posted, then shortly after that she told me. We've talked about it off and on since then but it's not something that we lingered on too much. Just enough that I knew where her headspace was so if she was acting weird or if something that might seem insignificant tipped her off I'd know why to some extent."

Michael nods at me a little, "Can you tell me about specific instances of things that you believe have been a direct effect of Nick Kelley?"

I take in a little breath and glance over to Jailyn. She sits in her place watching biting the inside of her cheek anxiously. She looks incredibly nervous right now as we make eye contacted and she gives me a small smile reassuring me she's okay. "That night until we'd gotten back to my apartment she was noticeably very shaken up and she didn't say more than maybe five words in that car ride. Early on JJ would always just go with whatever I wanted to do rather than tell me if she had a problem with it or something. There was one instance where she was going through some heavy shit and that's when she'd broken up with me, we'd already moved in with each other at that point. So I had come home and I didn't know what had happened. I had just gotten back from California and it was the first time I'd seen her after she broke up with me."

I glance back at JJ and see her sitting leaning forward resting her chin and lips on her folded hands in front of her. She closes her eyes slightly before nodding. If it needs to come out, it'll be okay. "I was frustrated and scared at the time because I didn't know what had happened or why she broke up with me and she wasn't talking to me. She was going through it and when we tried to talk I'd said something about her friend telling me that she'd kicked him out and she got upset. She started to try and walk away, and I'd tried to stop her by holding her arm." I shake my head looking down slightly, "I don't know that I'll ever get the look she had on her face out of my head. She was obviously terrified by it and I'd only held her for a second before I'd let her go again. After that JJ went into her room and locked the door, she was crying pretty hard. I didn't know where we stood at that point so I didn't try to do anything. After a while, she came into my room and she ended up apologizing for it. She didn't even do anything wrong but she felt the need to apologize."

"You said she was going through some heavy shit, in your words, who's to say that's not what she was emotional about?"

I shake my head, "I'm sure it was a part of what made it as intense as it was, however, what she was going through I don't think would have warranted that reaction."

"And what exactly was it that she was going through that we know wouldn't have warranted that type of reaction?" Michael asks and my gaze moves back to JJ. She nods again to me closing her eyes a moment as she does before she leans back in her seat. I guess it all comes out now.

I let out a breath not even wanting to think about the headlines that I'm sure are going to come tomorrow. "Because she had an IUD at the time it increased the chances if she'd end up getting pregnant it would be ectopic. She was twenty-one and we'd never even talked about kids at that point so she was incredibly freaked out by it. Because of Nick mostly she didn't even know if she'd wanted kids anymore because she was scared of getting trapped in a relationship. She was still so conditioned to think about his reaction and what he'd say that she didn't know how to handle it or even talk to me about it. The fear on her face when I stopped her wasn't because of losing the pregnancy."

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