Chapter Three

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You woke up, feeling a bit excited for the day. It had been a while since you had hung out with someone, and you were looking forward to getting to know Rodrick better. You got out of bed and checked your phone, seeing that it was only 8:00 AM. Rodrick had never told you what time you and him would be hanging out, but you assumed it would be much later in the day. You walked over to your full length mirror, taking a look at yourself. You had never really learned to like the sight of yourself, yet when you looked in the mirror today, you felt different. You felt almost as though you had the potential to love the person looking back at you. Something about this new beginning gave you a sense of freedom. You felt as though you could finally be yourself. Someone that isn't constantly put down by people. Someone that isn't restricted by him. You shudder at the thought of what he did to you; what he said to you. You tried to push the memories into the back of your mind, not wanting to start your day off too poorly.

You turned to your door, hearing footsteps coming. You heard a knock at your door, followed by your mom opening it.

"Y/n, you're up early. Nice to see you're actually doing something okay for once," your mom said in a rude tone. It bothered you that she only saw you as a bad person. She never understood that after what happened you really weren't able to do things that took a lot of energy. You were emotionally drained from your past, and your mom never seemed to understand that.

"Yep," you said popping the 'p.' "I have plans today, by the way." You told your mom, resulting in her widening her eyes.

"You? You have plans? With who?" Your mom stood there in shock. It had been a while since you had hung out with someone. He wasn't too keen on the idea of you having any other friends beside him, so you were never really able to make that many friends, let alone hang out with one.

"Rodrick," you said quietly. You weren't sure how she would react to you being with another boy.

"Rodrick? Y/n, you know how I feel about you with boys." Your mom took a seat on your bed, waving you over to sit next to her. You took a seat on the bed, not knowing what to say in response to that. "I'm just looking out for you, y/n. I don't want a repeat of what happened with Charl-"

"Mom, I really don't want to talk about him right now. Please," you cut off your mom, not liking to mention of the boy.

"Y/n, you know that you need to face it at some point," your mom started. "Just running away from the problem isn't going to help you."

"You were the one that told us to move! If anything, you're the one that made me run away from the problem!" You stood up, raising your voice. Your mom never knew when to stop when it came to these things.

"I- I just wanted to protect you, that's all," your mom said in a voice laced with sadness.

"Bullshit! You didn't want to deal with my problems so you decided to just leave them behind! You don't care about me and you don't care about my life. Stop pretending things matter and actually do something." You were livid. Your mom never cared, and you were done with it. By the time you finished talking, your mom was already out of the room. Again, she's running away from her problems. You looked at your phone, seeing that it was already ten. You decided to get dressed in a long, y/fc skirt with a smaller shirt on top. You threw on a large sweater and some Doc Martens. You were trying out some new styles, and was trying to look a bit more indie.

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