Chapter Two

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"Y/n, why don't you introduce yourself?" Your mom motioned for you to come to the door from your place on the stairs. You walked down the remaining stairs and stood next to your mom, unsure of what to do or say. Your mom nudged your shoulder, cueing you to say something.

"Oh, uh, m-my name is y/n," you said quietly, still unsure of what to say.

"Nice to meet you, y/n," the woman said a little too enthusiastically. "I'm Susan. This is my husband Frank, my youngest son Manny, my other son Greg, and our oldest," Susan said pushing the tall boy slightly in front of her. "Rodrick." Rodrick held out his hand for you to take, trying to seem like a gentleman. You only looked at his hand, contemplating whether or not you should shake it.

"Well, Susan," your mom interrupted the silence. "I'm sure y/n would be happy to show Rodrick her room. Wouldn't you be, y/n?" Your mom glared at you, trying to tell you what to do. "I'll show the rest of you to the dining room." Your mom left with the rest of the family while you and Rodrick were left behind.

"Okay, uh," you stumbled over your words, trying to find what to say to this new boy. You didn't have a great experience with boys, especially after what happened with him.

"Hey dude, chill out. It's not like I'm going to hurt you or anything," he reached out to touch your shoulder, but you quickly moved to avoid the action. "How about you just show me your room?" He said, noticing how tense you were. He spoke with a quiet and calm tone, which seemed to have some effect on you. He looked at you with kind eyes, almost trying to tell you that everything would be okay.

"My room, yeah," you managed to squeak out before motioning for him to follow you up the stairs. You walked in silence, not sure of what to say to each other.

You made it to the door, opening it for him to reveal the dimly lit room. He looked around in awe, taking in all of the posters and decorations. He pointed to a poster on your ceiling. "You like Twenty One Pilots, too?" You nodded in response to his question, taking a seat on your bed.

Rodrick took a seat on the floor, not wanting to violate your personal space. "So, uh, I don't really know what to ask," Rodrick started with a little chuckle. "Um, where are you from?"

"California," You replied quickly, not wanting to think about what happened in that state.

"Nice, any hot chicks there?" You looked at Rodrick in confusion, not sure if he was serious or not. "Well, I'll have to let you know that there aren't many hot chicks here. Well weren't."

"What do you mean?" You were still a bit confused with his attitude, not knowing whether or not to take him seriously.

"Well, I said weren't cause now there's some fresh meat that I think is rather attractive," he spoke to you in a tone laced with confidence. You were still unsure about what he meant and continued to stay quiet.

"Y/n, you do know I'm talking about you, right?" Rodrick looked at you with an expression you had never seen before. It looked like he cared. You had never seen that from anyone before. You felt a blush creep on to your cheeks, but the innocent idea of him finding you attractive was immediately ruined by your past. Oh god he's just like him. I should've known. He's just trying to lure me into some trap to just use me. He couldn't be serious! "Y/n?" Rodrick noticed your silence and got up, beginning to walk towards you. By instinct you began to back away, scared of what he might do to you. "Hey, hey I'm not going to do anything, okay? I just think you're pretty, that's all," he said in a calm tone once again. Now it was him who was blushing. He took a seat on your bed, staying silent and keeping eye contact with you.

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